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Halo: Reach

Noble Actual

  • "And, now, you're sending us." - To Colonel Urban Holland, who told Carter that all the fire teams he sent to the Visegrad Relay were reported as MIA.
  • "Anyone claimed responsibility, sir?" - To Colonel Holland, asking who might be responsible for the lost signal.
  • "Sir. Consider it done." - Carter confirming Holland's order.
  • "Lieutenant." - To SPARTAN-B312.
  • "I'm Carter, Noble Team's leader. That's Kat (Catherine-B320), Noble Two. Emile (Emile-A239) and Jorge (Jorge-052), Four and Five. You're riding with me, Noble Six."
  • "I'm not gonna lie to you, Lieutenant, you're stepping into some shoes the rest of the squad would be glad to leave unfilled. Me, I'm just happy to have Noble back up to full strength." - Carter to Noble Six alluding to his/her predecessor (Thom-293)
  • "Just one thing: I've seen your file, even the parts the ONI censors didn't want me to. I'm glad to have your skill set, but we're a team. That lone wolf stuff stays behind, clear?"

Winter Contingency

  • "Listen up, Noble Team. We're looking at a downed relay outpost, 50 klicks from Visegrad. We're gonna introduce ourselves to whoever took it out, and then Kat's gonna get it back online." - Briefing the team on the way to the relay outpost.
  • "If you've got a chance, maybe you can ask them, Jorge." - When Jorge asks why rebels would cut off Reach with the rest of the colonies.
  • "Backup channels?" - When Kat informs him that their communication to HQ has been lost.
  • "You heard her, dead zone confirmed. Command will not be keeping us company this trip." - After Kat informs the backup channels are lost too.
  • "Shoot down attempts are likely, so keep your distance." - Carter to the pilot of their Falcon.
  • "Let's stay focused. Watch your sectors."
  • "Could be the missing troopers. Let's check it out." - After Kat reports a distress beacon.
  • "Put us down on the bluff." - Carter to the Falcon pilot.
  • "Jun, I want your eyes in the sky." - Carter to Jun-A266
  • "Let's go, Six."
  • "Alright, Noble Team. Spread out. Watch the approach." - After Noble Team lands.
  • "Roger that. Eyes peeled!" - After Kat indicates that they are getting close to the distress beacon.
  • "Make out any ID?" - After Kat finds the beacon.
  • "Noble Three, can you confirm any ex residue in the area?" - After Noble Team notices there is evidence of a fight but no explosive residue.
  • "All right, Noble, looks like there's nothing here. Let's move on."
  • "Circle west and check it out. Noble Team: you have permission to engage, but be selective. We don't need to telegraph our presence." - After Kat informs him she sees smoke at the nearby house.
  • "Noble Six, move into the house. Go in quiet. I'm right behind you."
  • "Ask him what they're doing here." - To Jorge after finding a civilian in hiding.
  • "Some thing?" - After farmer testifies that something killed his son.
  • "Copy that. Get them back inside." - After Jun reports seeing heat signatures to the east.
  • "Noble Team, double-timing" - Ordering the team to hurry.
  • "Damn..." - After finding the dead troopers' bodies.
  • "We've got military casualties, two of the missing troopers. Looks like they were interrogated... It's messy."
  • "Movement. Watch your motion trackers." - After enemy appears on the motion tracker.
  • "Jun, you see anything?" - After the enemy disappears from sensors.
  • "Noble Two, move up to the west. We're about to be flanked." - After Jun reports heavy movement outside.
  • "Contact, contact! Spartans, assist!" - After Noble Team spots the Covenant outside.
  • "They're heading into the basement. Move down to the lower levels!"
  • "Stand down, Noble, stand down. Contacts neutralized." - After the Covenant lances are killed.
  • "Kat, we've got to warn Holland. I need you at that relay outpost now."
  • "Copy that, Jun, we're on it. Six, you've got point." - After Jun reports more eastern activity.
  • "Emile, you're with Kat. Six and I will run interference on the ground. We'll meet you at the outpost."
  • "Get to work, Noble."
  • "Looks like we are clear, Lieutenant." - After neutralizing the enemies in the structure.
  • "Roger, Three. We are en route." - After Jun reports activity to the east of their location.
  • "Let's move, Six. We've gotta find the source of that distress call." - After Travis reports in with a distress call.
  • "We don't leave people behind. You see those troopers, you let me know." - After Jun asks why try to pick up the troopers.
  • "We need to find those troopers now" - After receiving second Mayday call from Travis reporting wounded troopers and inability to hold his position.
  • "Noble Three, we've located the trooper squad. Request immediate evac. My coordinates."
  • "Evac transport, keep your distance! Six, hold this position. Clear an LZ." - After Jun reports incoming dropships.
  • "We know, Corporal. Let's get you out of here." - After making contact with Travis.
  • "Transport, LZ is clear. Move in for evac." - After clearing out the LZ.
  • "Troopers, hop that bird on the double" - When the Falcons arrive for evac.
  • "Pilot, stay close. Watch for hostile air." - As Carter, Jorge and Six board the Falcon for evac.
  • "Noble Two, sit-rep." - Carter contacting Kat on her status.
  • "Can you beat it?" - When Kat reports the door has been locked.
  • "Okay, we're en route to your location."
  • "Drop us in the courtyard." - After pilot reports the approach to compound post.
  • "Put her down, pilot. Six, break's over." - When Falcon pilot protests about courtyard being too hot.
  • "How are we doing, Kat?" - After landing in the courtyard and engaging the enemy.
  • "Hold them off until Kat can hack the controls." - To Noble Team after Kat reports she is halfway done.
  • "Kat?" - When additional Covenant dropships arrive with more enemies.
  • "Everybody inside! Go, go, go!" - After Kat gets the door open.
  • "We need to find the control room. From there, Kat can get the relay back online. Emile, post here. If we flush any hostiles, they're yours. All right, let's do this."
  • "Can't see a thing. Noble Six, turn on your night vision." - If Six has not turned on his night vision.
  • "Where's the rest of your unit?" - After finding a lone trooper.
  • "All right, Corporal, stay put. We'll get you a combat surgeon."
  • "Jorge..." - After Jorge finds Sára Sorvadand she resists him.
  • "We've been engaged!" - After three Sangheili Zealots rush out.
  • "Bad guy coming out!"
  • "Negative Four, stay on the entrance. Two, handle her. Five and Six, clear the hole." - When Emile asks to pursue the Elite heading out.
  • "Kat needs you to reset a junction. Do it, get back here." - After Jorge reports that the targets have been neutralized.
  • "How long?" - To Kat on the results of her inspection.
  • "Two minutes is too long." - When Kat tells him the controls are fried.
  • "Find out what she knows." - To Jorge regarding Sára.
  • "Lock it down, both of you! Get her on her feet... the body stays here." - After Jorge and Emile begin an argument.
  • "I'll take it." - After Kat restores the signal to Holland.
  • "Colonel, this is Noble One. There are no rebels. The Covenant are on Reach. Acknowledge?" - After reaching Colonel Holland.
  • "Affirmative. It's the WINTER CONTINGENCY." - After Holland asks if he is sure.

ONI: Sword Base

  • "Roger that. Dot, standby to receive and respond." – After being advised to choose a different landing site.
  • "Alright people, we're stuck with that ship for the time being. Let's focus on the hostile infantry - give those troopers a hand." – After Auntie Dot gives Noble Team the mission briefing.
  • "Kat, Six - you're out here. Jorge, Emile - you're next, get prepped."
  • "Kat, Six: push back the attack on Sword Base, find out what we're dealing with."
  • "Noble Strike, this is Noble Leader. Get back to Sword Base ASAP." – After re-activating the comms array.
  • "Noble, be advised: Covenant corvette moving into position. Kat, Six, get here quick. We need you inside."
  • "Six, head upstairs and assist Emile. Jorge, make sure he (she) gets there." – After Six enters the atrium.
  • "Six, get to the top floor and assist Emile." - After Emile indicates that he needs another Spartan to help.
  • "Keep moving up, Noble Six." - When Six gets to the level just below the top floor.
  • "We need you at the upper level, Lieutenant!" - If Six takes too long to get to the top level.
  • "Upstairs, Lieutenant, we need those Longswords in the air." – After Sword Control reports that the base won’t survive another hit.
  • "Five, Six... Get down to the science wing, Dr. Halsey wants a debrief, and Command's saying we're all hers."
  • “I did.” – When Jorge says it sounded like he said Halsey.
  • "If he was a civilian male in his mid-sixties, he died with a Covenant Energy Sword through his abdomen." – When Halsey asks if he knows anything about Laszlo Sorvad’s death.
  • "I gave the order not to pursue. Our primary objective was to get the station's relay back online." – When Jorge reports that one of the Elites got away.
  • “Ma’am?” – When Halsey criticizes Carter for letting the Zealot get away.
  • "Data retrieval was not a command directive. Even had we known, we had other, more urgent matters to attend to."
  • "Kat...?" - After Halsey accuses Kat of stealing the data module from Sorvad.
  • “Maybe you’d like to join her.” – When Halsey says she could have Kat penalized for trying to access the data module's content.
  • "We're currently under emergency planetary directive, WINTER CONTINGENCY. I'm sure you're familiar with the punishment for civilian interference with a Spartan deployment."
  • "Just making a reading suggestion, ma'am." – When Halsey’s asks if he’s threatening her.
  • "Let's move, Noble Team." – After ending the conversation with Halsey.

Tip of the Spear

  • "That landing zone has been tagged by UNSC command as a Priority One target."
  • "Kat, Six, what's your status?" – After the two of them crash on the other side of a broken bridge.
  • "Kat, be advised: ONI has identified 2 hostile anti-aircraft guns southwest of your location."
  • "Six, AA gun should be in visual range."
  • "Noble Six, all our birds are stuck out of range unless you can do something about those guns."
  • "New intel Six, looks like normal weapons won't touch those AA guns."
  • "Good work, Noble Six. UNSC air support: skies are clear." – After the first AA gun is destroyed.
  • "Noble Six, there's a mining facility near your location, the Covenant are using it as a Command outpost. Troopers on site have already engaged."
  • "Eyes on the prize, Noble. Take out that Zealot if you get the chance, but keep movin' towards the spires." – When Auntie Dot informs of a nearby Elite Zealot.
  • "Update, Six: scans show another Covenant AA gun ahead of your location. I want you to neutralize that gun, by any means necessary."
  • "Noble Six, I need that AA gun offline right now." - If Six takes too long to neutralize the gun.
  • "Well done, Six. ONI needs up-close recon on those spires, we're gonna fly you the rest of the way." – After destroying the 2nd gun.
  • "Copy that, I'm waiting on new intel. See what you can see, Carter out." – After Kat reports she is going to stay while Six flies to the spire.
  • "Solid copy, Dot?" - Asking Dot to analyze the shield after the pilot announces that he has eyes on the spire.
  • "Copy, we have your visual. Dot's working the problem, stand by." – After Jorge reports arriving at the spire.
  • "Frigate Grafton is on station ready to kill that spire, but first we need to power down its shields."
  • "Get in there. Take out that shield, Lieutenant." – After six begins flying up on the gravity lift.
  • "Spartans, I'm en route with a Falcon, will pick you up as soon as you knock out power to that shield."
  • "Hurry, Lieutenant. We got a frigate inbound to blow that spire as soon as the shield is powered down." – As six arrives at the top.
  • "Noble 6, we need to kill that shield to clear the area. Now! - If Six exits the spire before the shield is powered down.
  • "Lieutenant, drop the shield and get out of there."
  • "Get us outta here." – To the Falcon pilot after the shield is dropped.
  • "One way to get their attention! Hang on to your teeth, people!" – After Jorge expresses surprise at the choice to use MAC rounds.
  • "Grafton is dust! We need to get out of here, now!" – After the Grafton is destroyed by the newly revealed Covenant Supercarrier Long Night of Solace.

Long Night of Solace

  • "All our nukes are either out-system or went down with the ships that carried them. You're preaching to the converted." – When Kat complains that the UNSC Fleet is letting themselves be flanked.
  • "I know that look, Kat." – When Kat offers to make a plan.
  • "No." – After Kat challenges him to outright refuse her plan.
  • "...Fine. I'll hear it." – When Kat asks if he at least wants to hear it.
  • "Vaguely. A slipspace drive malfunction, right?" – When Kat asks if he remembers the disaster at Cygnus.
  • "And this is relevant...how?" – When Kat corrects his knowledge of the facts.
  • "Even for you, Kat, that's-" – After Kat suggests using the same technique on the Covenant Supercarrier.
  • "Not the word I would use." – When Kat asks if the plan sounds inspired.
  • "Go ahead. Explain." To Kat, when Jorge asks what’s going on.
  • "What do you think?" – When Jorge asks if this plan is sanctioned.
  • "So...all we need is orbit-capable transport, and the single most expensive piece of equipment made by man?" – After Kat finishes explaining her plan.
  • "Good luck with that." – When Kat tells him they need a green-light from Colonel Holland.
  • "Oh, there's no way in hell he's gonna go for this." – After Kat taunts him into asking Holland for it himself.
  • "Anywhere closer's too hot to land." – After Jorge asks why they are landing so far away from the launch station.
  • "Move up the beach, Noble."
  • "Hostile transport coming in!” – When advancing towards the launch base.
  • "We've been engaged!" – After the landing of several Orbital Insertion Pods.
  • "Inside Six, let's go."
  • "Let's get that Sabre airborne before he changes his mind." – After Kat jokes that her plan was too good for Holland to say no to.
  • "Jorge, Six: get to the Sabre before the Covenant wreck it." – Upon arriving to the control room.
  • "Jun's on his way with a Falcon, we'll exfil after you launch. Move!" – After Jorge asks where Carter and Kat will go.

New Alexandria

  • "Your report will have to wait, Lieutenant. The Covenant are jamming all comms to Command. Kat needs your help running a counter-op." – After reuniting with Six at New Alexandria.
  • "It’s good to have you back." – Just before he takes off.
  • "Make him proud." – When Six apologizes for coming alone.
  • "He gave his life thinking he just saved the planet. We should all be so lucky." – While Noble Team reminisces about Jorge after his death.
  • “Those are senior-level communiques...” – After finding out Kat has found out more leaked information.
  • "I need that link to SATCOM, Kat." – When Kat insists that he answer her question.
  • "You want to know if we're losing?" – When she asks him again a third time.
  • "Let’s hear it." – When Colonel Holland begins hailing them.
  • "How long for a secure link?" – To Kat regarding the hailing.
  • "Could the Covenant trace it to us?" - After she tells him she can't guarantee security anymore.
  • "Carter here... Yes, sir." – To Holland, after Kat hands him the communicator.
  • "Just lost Holland. What’s going on?" – After Kat reports a sudden radiation flare.
  • "Source?" – When she reports it’s gotten larger.
  • "How close?" – After Kat informs him the flare is airborne.
  • "We’re being redeployed to Sword Base." – After Kat asks what Colonel Holland orders were.
  • "Which is why they want us for a torch and burn op. Keep Dr. Halsey’s excavation data from falling into enemy hands." – When Jun expresses his disbelief since Sword has already fallen to the Covenant.
  • "Maybe, but according to Holland, the Covenant are still hunting for something." – After Kat responds that the data has probably been captured already.
  • "Come on! Come on! Get in!" – As Noble Six begins dragging Kat’s body into the fallout bunker.

The Package

  • "...Go ahead." – When colonel Holland hails him to begin the torch-and-burn operation.
  • "Still outside. Thermal on the interior shows standing-room-only. We're gonna send 'em out or we'll be way too popular." – After Holland asks what his status is.
  • "We've got a job to do, so let's stay focus and get it done. Six, are you in position?"
  • “Good. Execute.” – After Six tells him he’s ready.
  • "Covenant own this sector now. They are defending for a full major strike, not a small-group infiltration. Eliminate all hostile anti-air defense so the rest of Noble can land at Sword Base for the torch and burn. Keep a low profile, we'll take them by surprise, this will be a hell lot easier."
  • "Get a move on, Noble Six. Our Falcons are standing by." – After clearing an attacking area.
  • “Time to get to work, Noble Six. Take out those guns." – After arriving at the Tyrant guns.
  • "Copy. Stand-by." – After the first gun is destroyed.
  • "Nice job, Six. Falcons commend to set. Meet you inside the base, Lieutenant."
  • "Noble Team: Falcons landed, hostiles engaged. Jun is working on getting the gate open."
  • "Six, get over here! Covie's all over the base."
  • "Double time, and Six, come on!"
  • "Noble Six, get inside the base!" – If the player stalls at entering the gate.
  • "Kill them all, Noble!"
  • Had to go through maintenance. Elevators out.
  • "Dot?" – After Emile asks where they are going.
  • "Alright, up the ramp, to the right!" – After Auntie Dot tells him to proceed to the prearranged coordinates.
  • "This is it, in here." – Upon reaching the location.
  • "Or they were committed to the position." – When Jun comments that a dead trooper squad must have been cornered.
  • "Dot, check your vector."
  • "Revised...?" – When Auntie Dot suddenly corrects herself to say their coordinates have been revised.
  • "Alright, we came this far." – After Auntie Dot reveals their new route through a secret passageway.
  • "Your new AI friend tell you anything else, Dot...? Dot?" – After entering the tram.
  • "Dr. Halsey. Casualty reports have you listed as-" – When Catherine Halsey appears on a vidscreen to brief them.
  • "We all do, ma'am." – When Halsey remarks on the tragedy of Noble’s recent losses.
  • "Not sure I understand." – When Halsey tells him that they have unlocked the secrets of the excavation.
  • "Doctor, our orders are to destroy all sensitive material-" – After Halsey tells them their new mission to safely transport that data.
  • "I'll need to confirm this new directive with command-" – When Halsey tells him others will handle the demolition.
  • "Have your data ready, ma'am. We're coming to you."
  • "I don't think you understand. We're out of time. If it isn't portable when we reach you, it's gonna get buried." – When Halsey protests that the decryption is still underway.
  • "Let's find Halsey's lab. Move!" – After exiting the tram.
  • "They sure as hell got it. Doctor, we have hostiles inbound." – After Jun notices the Wolf Spider turrets nearby.
  • "Understood. Let's give the doctor the time she needs." – After Halsey orders Noble to not let the Covenant break in to her lab.
  • "Noble Six! Activate the turrets! Set up a perimeter."
  • "More Covenant! Get your defenses ready, Six!"
  • "Door's opened, Noble Six. Get to the lab." – After all the Covenant are killed.
  • "Six, open the lab! That's an order!" – If the player stalls.
  • "I understand." – After Halseys tells Noble Team to escort Cortana to the Pillar of Autumn.
  • "And what if we can't?" – When Halsey tells them the scale of their discovery.
  • "Dr. Halsey, Noble Three will escort you to CASTLE Base." – After exiting Halsey’s lab.
  • "Jun, make sure nothing falls into enemy hands."
  • “You too, rifleman.” – After Jun bids him good luck.
  • "I need a heading, Dot." – After entering the Pelican.
  • "Which leads to?" – After Auntie Dot tells him the flight directions.
  • "Wouldn't be a Noble mission if it were easy." – After Auntie dot tells him Covenant forces are approaching the area.

The Pillar of Autumn

  • "Not sure how long she's gonna stay together! Skies are jammed up anyways. Gotta get you off her, Lieutenant." – After being wounded by an attacking Banshee.
  • "Don't wanna hear it. Get The Package to the Autumn." – When Six tries to tell him of his injuries.
  • "Not yet, it's not... Emile, go with him/her. It's a ground game now."
  • "Likewise." – After Emile tells him it’s been an honor to serve with him.
  • "I'll do what I can to draw their fire."
  • "Six. That AI chose you... She made the right choice."
  • "On my mark!"
  • "Mark!"
  • "Stay low, let me draw the heat. You just deliver that Package." – After Emile and Six drop out of the Pelican.
  • "Get the Package out of there. Remember your objective!" – After a Scarab engages Emile and Six.
  • "Enemy forces blocking the road up ahead."
  • "Noble! You got a...situation." – After a third Scarab appears and blocks their path.
  • "No you can't. Not without help." – After Emile insists they can outrun it.
  • "I've got the mass." – After Emile protests against trying to attack it.
  • "You're on your own, Noble... Carter out." – Final words, before ramming the Scarab.

Gameplay Quotes

  • "We've been engaged!" - When encountering an enemy.
  • "This is going to influence the rating on your next OAR." - Said when stared at by the player. IWHBYD may be required.
  • "Your file mentioned this." - When stared at by the Player.
  • "Friendly!" - When shot at by the Player.
  • "Watch your fire!" - When shot at by the Player.
  • "This qualifies as 'lone wolf stuff,' Noble Six." - When stared at by the player. IWHBYD may be required.
  • "Not amused, Spartan." - When stared at by the player.
  • "They got me zeroed! - When under fire.
  • "Good work." - When the player headshots an enemy.

Firefight Voice

  • "What is it, Six?" - When previewing his voice in the Armory.
  • "You need an assist?" - When previewing his voice in the Armory.
  • "We got a job to do here." - When previewing his voice in the Armory.
  • "Noble One deploying heavy artillery." - When switching to or picking up a rocket launcher.
  • "Spartans never die, but they kill just fine." - When switching to a Spartan Laser.
  • "I've got some fuel for this firefight." - When switching to or picking up a fuel rod gun.
  • "Go, green machine!" - When switching to or picking up a fuel rod gun.
  • "One shot, one kill." - After getting a headshot kill.
  • "Swapping mags." - When reloading a weapon.
  • "Conserving ammo." - After getting a melee kill.
  • "Never saw it coming." - After getting a melee kill.
  • "They're no match for us, Noble." - When killing an enemy.
  • "These tangos make good target practice." - When killing an enemy.
  • "Welcome to Noble Team." - When killing an enemy.
  • "Strike first, strike hard, no mercy." - When killing an enemy. Reference to Karate Kid.

Halo: Reach Video Games Awards Trailer

  • "Spartans never die, Jorge. They're just Missing In Action." - After Jorge says that he didn't think anyone survived Operation: TORPEDO.
  • "I read your file, Lieutenant. Even the parts ONI didn't want me to. I'm glad to have your skillset, but you can leave that lone wolf stuff behind." - An early variant of his speech in Noble Actual.