UNSC Weather Station Z/41
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki
UNSC Weather Station z/41
UNSC Weather Station Z/41 is a United Nations Space Command weather research facility based in the Arctic region on Earth.[1]
It is involved in taking glacier core samples from the ice below. The station has a Doppler radar facility for taking wind speed measurements, and includes a platform for aerial transport.[2] Overhead, the Aurora Borealis can be seen flickering through the sky.[1]
The station seems to be an abandoned drilling platform converted for use as a weather station, located near an ice shelf. It is divided into four "towers", labeled Maintenance, Communications, Barracks and Laboratory.
- The facility is the setting for the Halo 3: Legendary Map Pack map, Blackout. Its predecessor in Halo 2, Lockout, was a Forerunner facility created to study the Flood.
- Bungie Environmental Artist Paul Russel, who worked on Blackout, stated the following about the facility's designation: "The setting is a UNSC Antarctic weather station with the completely arbitrary and stupid number z/41, it means nothing. Until the fans write some fictional significance into it and we eventually have to reverse engineer it into our canon. Thanks a lot, fans."[2]
List of appearances
- Halo 3 (First appearance)