Forum:Disney getting serious with Star Wars canon

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Revision as of 08:29, January 11, 2014 by Subtank (talk | contribs)
Forums: Index General Discussion Disney getting serious with Star Wars canon

Surprise, surprise! Disney is getting serious with the canon universe of Star Wars. Selected quotes from the op-ed:

A sci-fi universe with as long a tail as Star Wars can be death for new stories, though. Finding space among the EU to make a mark without being hamstrung by established ideas is difficult, and even keeping the EU somewhat organized is challenging. Its growth has been cancerous—like a tumor, it has no plan and no organization—it simply expands, blindly, as the collective fan engine shovels in new material.

This would appear to be the route 343i is taking. The hole is getting deeper and deeper. Only time will tell when they'll realize this inevitability.

Most of the EU is simply layers and layers of garbage. It's filled with thinly veiled Mary Sue characters, ludicrous minutiae, and a ponderous and plodding history (past AND future) of the galaxy. It's creaky under its own weight, and [Leeland Chee]'s pruning is a welcome change. In him, Disney has a person who intimately understands the core elements of what makes Star Wars, Star Wars.

Unfortunately, the same can't be said with Frankie (imo, anyway). Who can take up the mantle of responsibly ensuring that canon are given coherent, reasonable explanation and within a realistic realm, and not bent for the sake of making sales? I'm not sure anymore.


TL;DR: EU sucks... sometimes. I strongly suggest reading the article rather than relying on the selected quotes. — subtank 08:29, 11 January 2014 (EST)