
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 17:55, September 25, 2013 by Subtank (talk | contribs)
14,397 article edits
... a typical day for Subtank...
Editing tips
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♥ ❤ Feeling bored? Let the randomiser find a random article for you to edit! ❤ ♥
♥ ❤ Use DIVs and SPANs wherever possible! ❤ ♥
♥ ❤ Firefox provides a better experience for inspecting webpages (IMO!) ❤ ♥
♥ ❤ W3Schools is your best companion. Love it dearly! ❤ ♥
♥ ❤ KISS principle: Keep It Simple, Stupid! ❤ ♥

About me

I started editing the wiki since September 7, 2007. Through Halopedia, I learned by myself how to perform basic coding using HTML, CSS and javascript, though I am still rusty with the latter. I am quite a patient person, love lurking (proud lurker since 2006) and prefer reading articles. My style of editing focuses primarily on article presentation, so don't be surprised to see me slight changes with the arrangements of thumbnails and criticising users on template usage as well as encouraging not to put personal thoughts/opinion/feeling into the editing (internet will drive you nuts if you do so). I love learning behind-the-scenes. :3

I travel around the globe quite often, so don't be surprised to see me editing at strange hours. I blame coffee.