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Hey guys. I know there's been a lot of griping about Halo 4. I also know that, whether it comes across here or not, I'm one of the gripiest gripers here. One of my main complaints is the weapon sandbox. so without any more complaining what do you people think would be interesting weapons to spice up the sandbox, or would you prefer fewer weapons? As for my self, I don't think that fewer weapons are the answer. I think more creative weapons are the solution. What HALO needs now is something as creative as the needler, or the plasma grenade. So my first suggestion? a grenade that explodes on impact. the pulse grenade and the firebomb grenade were close, but I want a real explosion. On impact. Maybe I've gone off the deep end here, but I want something bizarre and out of this world crazy that people will want to use no-matter how effective it actually is.
Those are my Ideas; what are yours? --Weeping Angel (talk) 19:02, 11 May 2013 (EDT)
- Yeah this is something that we discussed last year. I said it numerous times that 343i has a lack of creativity. All my ideas will help eliminate weapon redundancy. First I would bring back the sentinel beam but maybe as an infantry issued weapon that has a little more power. That would replace the suppressor. I would replace the light rifle with a weapon that shoots a tracer/tracker like beam round up to a certain range. I would replace the boltshot with the forerunner weapon from the origins video but aesthetically look like the Burst pistol or Bishop Beam. I would eliminate the scattershot altogether and replace it with the Stasis rifle but I would buff it so that the target would take damage as long as they are stuck in the stasis field. The binary rifle wouldn't fire like a regular sniper rifle but instead open up a mini slipspace portal that would allow it to shoot a beam round from a long distance or through objects. The incinerator cannon wouldn't fire rounds like a rocket launcher nor would it be called an incinerator cannon. Instead I would call it the pulse cannon and make it an infantry version of the particle cannon but retains it's ability to spread rounds on impact. Also, non of the forerunner weapons would require reloading energy cores (the dumbest idea ever for forerunner weapons) and instead, run off of battery power. Lastly I would make them sound beefy cause as of now the scattershot sounds weird & unappealing, and the boltshot sounds weak & stupid. Why 343i just didn't stick with continuity is beyond me.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 01:45, 12 May 2013 (EDT)
Maybe we could finally see what the needler is based on? Might be cool, maybe not. Sticking with my idea for a close range weapon. A pulse of damage centered at you, though it doesn't harm the user. I'm thinking frag grenade level damage, with a firing rate similar to the BR or the sniper. Oooh, ooh, and I just remembered this weapon idea I had a really long time ago. Basically, you point a lazer at an enemy for a certain ammount of time, and then it makes them explode or vaporize or something. And I think that just sounds awesome. Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 14:32, 12 May 2013 (EDT)
@Killamint: Nice! I really like the sniper rifle idea. The stasis rifle looks like there's a lot of potential. What would you think of it as a pistol? I think it could compliment the PP and M6H quite well. maybe you could have a whole range of guns like that too: one to slow down, one to use on your own team that heals them, maybe an anti gravity one too. What do you think about a long-range armor ability gun? I'm thinking something like a bubbleshield gun that would act a lot like the stasis rifle, except with a bubble shield to protect yourself or others in need. definitely a a power weapon. maybe something like that with invisibility too. I don't know. maybe that's too crazy. --Weeping Angel (talk) 08:30, 14 May 2013 (EDT)
- Haha, long range armor ability gun?? A bubbleshield gun isn't a bad idea but I would restrict it to just equipment or an armor ability. I want to avoid making it too similar to other games where you have guns as equipment like the portal gun from the Portal games. I rather just have a stasis rifle as an offensive weapon but I wouldn't make it a pistol cause I think that would make it feel overpowered and not in the same tier, like the Halo CE pistol. Instead it would be in a bracket similar to the needler and something that you wouldn't come by too often. Also I would make it somewhat easy to dodge (like the needler [except Halo 4's needler]) and it wouldn't slow down the target too much (as to make it a balanced weapon). The binary rifle would generate a slipspace portal right in front of you if you hold the trigger to charge it and will be able to fire right through the closest wall or obstacle but unlike promethean vision you won't be able to see where a target is, you would have to know if they are there (so as to keep it from being overpowered). Also none of the forerunner weapons would be able to disintegrate any of their targets except the pulse cannon (given it's power capability). Also the disintegration would be instant, not slow and unrealistic. On the whole, the forerunner weapons would be slightly more complex to use than the other weapons but would be more powerful overall (to keep them balanced).
- To answer your other question at the top, I would eliminate or alter some of the human and covie weapons in the existing sandbox. I would've altered the fuel rod gun to make it more consistent with the one from Halo CE where the bolts had an arch to them instead of the regular "straight" traveling bolts. The needler would be nerfed a lil to make it less overpowered. I would get rid of the beam rifle and bring back the focus rifle but buff it to make it more competitive. The carbine would be replaced with the needler rifle but I would reduce the power of it slightly. I would get rid of the storm rifle and replace it with the plasma rifle. And to top it off I would get rid of all the lame sound effects and make them sound like they did in Reach. As for the human weapons, I would give the spartan laser a tracking lens part so that its slightly easier to use.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 17:38, 14 May 2013 (EDT)
I don't think your idea for a sniper rifle could be allowed to be like a regular sniper rifle. That sort of power hitting anywhere on the map? Unbalanced. Maybe it could be an smg instead. It'd work good for keeping shields down, keeping enemies weak. Maybe make it be weak on flesh as well. Yeah... I'm liking this. It'd be cool. Might be incredibly annoying though. "O man shields down get to cover!! WTF my shields won't recharge O GOD IT'S SOME FUCKER WITH A WARP GUN GAHHH AND NOW THERE'S A GUY WITH A BR COMING UP" Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 09:09, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
- Well it was an idea but it's not perfect. Also it wouldn't just hit anywhere on the map, and even then you wouldn't be able to see where your opponents are unless they aren't behind a wall. The shooting through the wall is that extra bonus to make the rifle unique. But I do understand it can be overpowered. Still it is hard to come up with ideas for distinctive weapons. I just wanted it to be very different from the standard sniper rifle. The last part got me confused.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:56, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
- He's taking cover behind a wall and trying to recharge his shields, but he can't find anywhere safe since that guy is peppering him with a gun that can shoot through walls. An now, there's a guy moving up on his position to headshot him with a BR. Y'know, like you do.
- Yeah, it is REALLY hard to think of weapon gimmicks. I feel I should note though that the entire sandbox doesn't have to be odd. It's fine to have linear weapons that are only different in stats.
One last thing, remember: xkcd: workflow This is mostly referring to custom games. If we get rid of ordinance as an option, no more NZ. If we drop promethean vision, no more slender. Removing anything is a double edged sword. Always use the DMR. This is craZboy557, signing off. 16:17, 15 May 2013 (EDT)
Wow,I hadn't even thought about a portal gun. Too bad it's already taken. That just screams Forerunner awesomeness. Maybe you could do something like a portable man cannon to get the same kind of affect. What do you think of having that and maybe the armor ability guns as a new sort of equipment? Kind of like Halo 3, except ... well ... not.
@Killamint: Needler totally needs to be nerfed. It just doesn't make sense for a grunt or a Jackal to wield a weapon superior to that of their elite commanders. If you want a more powerful needler make another gun. don't retcon the original. I'd forgotten about the CE fuel rod gun. That one is still my favorite. Which plasma rifle did you like? My favorite was the CE one. I think that could be adapted into the new sandbox quite well. It's a lot more powerful than the UNSC assault rifles, but with a much slower rate of fire.
What do you think of a mortar gun? maybe something kind of like the Halo:CE fuel rod gun. except with more splash damage, more arc, and more range. It could be a lot of fun on all the maps if done right. Both small maps like complex, and bigger ones like Exile and Longbow would adapt this weapon wonderfully.--Weeping Angel (talk) 21:47, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
Alright, here's my two cents on this weapons wish list.
- Number 1, bring back the original Plasma Rifle. An obvious choice, seeing as the covenant faction you fight in 4 is a splinter group, and yet they have newer weapons? Anyway, I think that bringing back the Standard plasma rifle would be good, and even the Plasma Repeater would do better then the "Storm Rifle".
- Number 2, bring back the Grenade Launcher. In reach, it was one of my favorite weapons to use, especially against groups. the sticky detonator does make a decent replacement, but I preferred the Prop Pipe.
- Number 3, more alien like weapons. While some of the weapons introduced were ok, I think that more unique weapons are in order. Namely, the Sentinel Beam, maybe even as a possible standard weapon. Along with the Stasis Rifle, which I would think would act like the sentinel beam, but would do less damage but stun the target, even in multiplayer. By stun, I mean blind them, and slow them down. Maybe a bit like the plasma weapons did in Halo CE. I also would like to see the Plasma Launcher return, and possibly a bigger and more beam like version of the Inceneration cannon, like what Killamint was talking about.
There is more I would like to say, but I think you guys get the idea. Siphon 117 23:42, 18 May 2013 (EDT)
@Siphon 117: Agreed! Also if they were going to include the Storm Rifle they were better off bringing back the Plasma Repeater - its pretty much the same thing but with the option to vent it. @Weeping Angel: I wasn't sure which plasma rifle was my favorite so long as they brought 1 of them back. Would've been better than the storm rifle. Instead of having a mortar gun, perhaps it can be similar to the turret in that it can be broken off it's stand and carried around but slow you down and run out of ammo, that way it doesn't become overpowered. Nice idea.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 12:19, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
I like the Turret idea. Maybe even do a completely stationary turret. I'm thinking something kinda like this except maybe a little better dug in. and perhaps some sandbags? Or, you could have a mobile version like this, where it travels to where it needs to go, and then parks itself for firing. On second thought, maybe that last one should only be for Campaign. I can't imagine a multiplayer map big enough to really utilize it. And for the Covey assault rifle, I'm thinking something powerful and accurate to fairly long distances, but with a slow rate of fire. That would contrast nicely with the nicely with the MA5-- which has decent range, bad firepower, and high volume of fire-- and the Suppressor-- which is basically just an SMG. The sentinel beam definitely needs to come back. The only catch here is that the Sentinel beam and the rifle might be too similar. in that case I would vote for the Sentinel beam. its just so Forerunner! The plasma launcher was awesome. There is absolutely no reason not to include it.--Weeping Angel (talk) 22:16, 21 May 2013 (EDT)
Had another idea today, not especially original but it just seems like it would be so incredibly awesome that it would have to be in the game. Basically a needler turret, of the detachable kind. Actually, a gatling needler turret. Shoot crazy fast, able to have multiple detonations, maybe have the detonations be powerful enough to kill people next to the target. Maybe it couldn't be allowed to be ridiculously OP, but either way it just sounds too awesome not to happen. Just walking around with it.... exploding everything..... ohhhh mannnnn.....
Ok, another idea, but a rough one. A non-hitscan beam weapon. Not sure if it'd be a power weapon, or a whatever, but it's something we don't have yet and long bendy energy streams look cool. Land sakes alive, we are cooking with petrol now! This is craZboy557, signing off. 14:34, 22 May 2013 (EDT)