Talk:UNSC Marine Corps Battle Dress Uniform

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Is there any prof that the Pilots seen in Halo 3 are Marines they may be Navy pilots instead.

IM sorry for not writing this in my last post but I would like to point out that you can not judge a Persons Branch by there armor. Just because The Pilots armor is similar to the Marines doesnt instantly mean he is a Marine. I would have to say the Navy does most if not all the Dog fighting, that being said the helmets worn by the Pilots in halo 3 are better suited for dog fighting compared to the Marine Pilots helmets in Halo 1&2 which in those screen shots the helmets fit the jobs needed.

If we are to judge the people behind the armor by looks just because something is similar looking that would mean Master Chief is a Marine because I dont think there were any other Navy Spartans, (doesnt matter if there was more most were Marines), all fleet personel in Star Ship troopers is really Mobile infantry because they use the same armor with black coloring instead of gray, all Imperial Navy fighter pilots are really Storm troopers because the face plate is almost the same...

Firstly you should have signed your post. Secondly your a complete moron. All the spartans are Navy personel as shown by the Petty Officer Rank and Lieutenant and Commander in other circumstances. Next this site doesn't talk about Starship Troopers or Star Wars, there fore it doesn't matter what they do in those films. And finally in Halo the uniform does matter. The helmet is just because that particlur unit is a pilot. The navy don't fly hornets unless they have to, Drop ships, Transports and Starships only.

Please don't use your own idea of what you know when talking about things you obviously don't have a clue about. 15:05, April 2, 2010 (UTC)

A pet peeve, and a gross inaccuracy

When youse guys are describing armor components, make sure you're not labeling the shoulder pieces as "pads;" we're not talking about football players here, or womens' pantsuits from the '80s, we're talking about ballistic military armor (and sorry for the lack of periods in this post, my laptop was damaged in a car wreck, and I have to cut and paste periods and "l"s until I get it fixed) Griever0311 18:33, December 29, 2009 (UTC)

Halo: Reach?

Shouldn't we have a picture of the marine uniform from the game? They released it on and Game Informer. And what is Jacob Keyes doing on the image? Isn't he Navy?--Fluffball Gato 05:21, February 9, 2010 (UTC)

The troopers seen in Reach media so far are UNSC Army soldiers instead of marines, as confirmed here. Also, Keyes wears standard marine fatigues in that pic, but I agree that an image of a fully armored Marine would be better.


Battle Dress Uniform is an Army thing, as Marines we don't refer to our uniforms as BDUs, (lesson i learned the hard way from my Drill Instructor) they are CAMIES

  • Many elements of the UNSC Marine Corps are similar to the U.S Marine Corps. I think that it should at least be mentioned in the article.--Caboose's Brother 12:38, 26 February 2011 (EST)

Camouflage Patterns

I've been looking at the patterns used in the UNSC Marines' uniforms and I have a identified that:

  • In Halo 1, the camouflage pattern isn't based on any existing camo pattern;
  • In Halo 2, it resembles the Russian Flora pattern;
  • And in Halo 3, it appears to be based off of the British 2 colour-Desert DPM pattern. Nohomers48 11:41, May 16, 2010 (UTC)
Update: Halo Reach's Army and Marine BDUs use camo patterns similar to Multicam, Russian KLMK and TTSkO series patterns .Halo 4's Marine and Army forces don't wear any camouflage patterned BDU, just the multi-coloured fatigues.– File:Lieutenant Grade One.png Lt. Nohomers48 (talkcontribswiki) 03:43, 13 November 2012 (EST)

White coloration

Who in their right mind would make Marine BDUs WHITE? Tex the Spartan

Because style. How would we know what was going through the minds of Marine uniform board members or 343i artists? Grizzlei