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Z-750 binary rifle

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Revision as of 17:28, January 2, 2013 by Radical Edward2 (talk | contribs)

Template:New Content Template:Weapon Infobox The Z-750 Special Application Sniper Rifle[1], commonly known as the binary rifle, is a Forerunner energy channel weapon.[2]


The binary rifle is a weapon used by Forerunner Promethean Knight units and certain types of Crawler units encountered on Requiem. The rifle uses two core-mounted particle accelerators to accelerate its projectiles to high speed, killing targets with one shot.[3]

Design details

The weapon possesses an angular design and metallic casing. It appears to be held together, at least partly, by energy fields as indicated by its self-assembly process and floating sights. Orange highlights can be seen while the weapon is self-assembling and throughout the casing once assembly is complete; these highlights grow brighter when the weapon is fired. The sight through the scope is tinted orange and has two zoom levels, 5x and 10x. The rifle emits a highly visible orange beam when aiming, allowing opponents to trace the user's location.[2]



  • Capable of destroying most vehicles (except Scorpions and Wraiths) with one or two direct shots.
  • Can instantly kill all forms of infantry (Spartans, Prometheans, Elites, etc.) with one shot (possibly two on Legendary).
  • High projectile speed; rarely misses within crosshairs.
  • Deals twice the damage inflicted by a direct hit from a Spartan Laser.


  • The line of fire created by the scopes laser sight can be seen by everyone; giving away the location of the user.
  • Long reload time (roughly five seconds); leaving the user vulnerable.
  • Slow rate of fire (roughly four seconds between shots).
  • Low ammunition and clip capacity. Two shots per clip with three clips total (four with the Ammo Upgrade).


List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo Waypoint The Halo Bulletin 9.27.12
  2. ^ a b YouTube: Binary Rifle first look - Halo 4
  3. ^ GameInformer, October 2012 edition (digital content)