Talk:Halo 4 Launch Gameplay Trailer

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Covenant ship[edit]

I say its a covenant ship because:

1) Its purple. Almost everything we know the Covenant build is purple.

2) Other similar obejcts are seen in the video.

3) The "object" seen at 0:12 is accompained by phantoms.

4) Forerunners create grey/silver stuff, so it cant be forerunner.

5) There are many of them, this means they are not special ships or any plot important ship. This ships are apparently used to lead other spacecraft.

Now i would like to know what others believe. If the arguments are good i will stop editing the article.

Siul S-249 17:26, 27 October 2012 (EDT)

1) Looks more like a metallic gray and similar to the Didact's crytum. Also the object appears too circular and relatively small compared to a "covie ship". Also Covie ships have energy shields, MC wouldn't be able to penetrate it w/ a knife (unless they are down). 2) What similar objects? Once again, we can't fully see what he's sliding off of so you can't say those are the same/similar objects. 3) Just because its accompanied by the Phantoms doesn't meant its Storm related, remember, Storm & Prometheans joined forces in the Infinity mission. They may be escorting a Forerunner ship for all we know. Also that object has yet to be identified. 4) Forerunners indeed use other colors, not just silver/gray. The outside shell of ONIRF Trevelayn is a chocolate-brown color. 5) What does "many of them" have to do with anything? That's irrelevant. 6) Keeping it DISAMBIG is the best way to describe the object for now until the games release. You're calling it something when we can only see a short cut of it. Remember, the trailer is placing emphasis on the Didact & the Forerunners w/ barely any Storm forces showing up in the trailer.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 18:49, 27 October 2012 (EDT)
Looks nothing like metallic gray, seriously. Also, being a covenant ship doesnt mean it will have shields, as phantoms do not have them. 2) What similar objects? The several ships in the background, which suggest its a convoy of ships.

Just for you to know, you can do what you want with the article, but i will be the first to come and edit this article on nov 6, because i recognize a covenant ship when i see it. Siul S-249 19:07, 27 October 2012 (EDT)

When I was talking about covie ships, I wasn't talking about a Phantom, I was talking about much larger, capitol ships. A convoy of ships that are, in my opinion, unidentified, possibly Forerunner ships. So again, its best to keep it disambig till we truly know what it is. If it turns out to be a Storm vessel then be my guess, change it. By the way, its not about who gets to it first.--Killamint [Comm|Files] 19:19, 27 October 2012 (EDT)
It is a Covenant ship... and that's all I'm willing to *leak*. — subtank 21:28, 27 October 2012 (EDT)
Are you serious? After all that "arguing" it turns out that Siul S-249 was right afterall?--Killamint [Comm|Files] 17:44, 28 October 2012 (EDT)
Yup. And it is called the Lich. :) — subtank 23:19, 29 October 2012 (EDT)
Well that's something new. My apologies to Siul. Funny how 343 reveals stuff when we bring it up. Practically everything I said in this discussion was incorrect. :(--Killamint [Comm|Files] 10:43, 30 October 2012 (EDT)