Anskum-pattern plasma grenade

Revision as of 19:37, February 3, 2007 by Caboose (talk | contribs)

Template:Weapon Template:HaloWikiLink Template:WepList The Covenant Plasma Grenade is similar to the UNSC hand grenade in that it is a thrown anti-infantry and anti-vehicle weapon. It sticks to targets by producing in a thin layer of plasma which, when in contact with a target, fuses to the target and is impossible to release. It has some kind of internal mechanism that allows it to distinguish between targets and inanimate objects. For example, it will stick to a soldier or vehicle, but not a tree or wall. It has a three-second fuse that is activated after it sticks to a target or otherwise comes to rest.

If one plasma grenade sticks to another plasma grenade, their explosive cores fuse and generate a larger explosion. Occasionally, though, if two plasma grenades are thrown in succession at the same spot; one will detonate, launching the other into the air. The airborne grenade will explode in mid-air, causing a "fireworks" effect(halo1). Covenant plasma grenades generally have a three (3) second timer.

Often times, when an NPC is stuck, they will have some type of Reaction to being stuck.

File:Nade stuck h3.JPG
A plasma grenade exploding on snowbound.

It should be noted that prolonged exposure to the radiation emited by plasma grenades can cause a deviation in the neural electric pathways of the user--a disorder called Boren's Syndrome, which in one case renders them immune to infection by the Flood.

Another thing to note is in the most recent update in Halo 2, the Plasma Grenade has an instant kill effect if it goes off at the base of the target's feet (Does not have to be stuck).

If you stick a charging Hunter with plasma grenade the Hunter will instantly turn around, exposing its back, when the grenade explodes.

The reason the plasma grenade sticks to vehicles and characters may be due to heat tracking. Since a "dead" wall doesn't emit heat, characters and the heat from vehicles engines causes it to stick.

File:Eat My Plasma Grenade.jpg
A primed plasma grenade.

The reason may also be due to the build up of electrostatic charge as the grenade is thrown through the air. The built up of static will cause the grenade to stick to ungrounded targets such as vehicles and people, but not grounded objects like trees, buildings, or the thrower (while grenade is still in hand).