Talk:MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark VI

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Revision as of 01:06, September 26, 2012 by Subtank (talk | contribs) (Nanobots solve and fix everything... except minor damages/gashes on a chestpiece... oh, and they also changed FuD's appearance. Believe in Nanobots!)

Could someone post a picture of the Mark VI with better resolution? --RadicalEdward2 21:22, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

There, fixed. For me at least. Some glitch or something, makes it all blurry when the size is set to 200px. --Jugus 21:27, December 1, 2009 (UTC)

Biofoam injectors only in MJOLNIR Mark VI?

On page 244 of Halo: First Strike, it says, "It irritated her, yet without that armor with its constant hydrostatic pressure and automated biofoam injectors, John would have literally fallen apart by now."

Doesn't the MJOLNIR Mark V have biofoam injectors too?Rollersox 02:06, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

Presumably not, hence their inability to recharge health like the Mark VI can. To be fair, I don't think any official source has ever said the Mark VI had the injectors as well, but it's the conclusion the fandom came up with to explain a gameplay mechanic. -- Specops306 Autocrat Qur'a 'Morhek 02:16, July 27, 2010 (UTC)
I think the "automated" part is a simple mistake. The Mark V does have ports through which to inject biofoam, but does not carry its own supply of the stuff. That's why medkits can be used so easily and efficiently. Just grab a biofoam canister, insert it in the slot, activiate it, and, voila, your wound's patched up. As I recall, John does just that near the end of The Flood when he's taking out the Autumn's engines. --"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have." -Thomas Jefferson 03:06, July 27, 2010 (UTC)

MJLOLNIR Mark VI in Halo: Reach?

Does anyone think either of these images should be posted in the article image gallery? I think it should, partly because it differs from the image file of the custom Vanity Mk. V posted in the article MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark V, and if one is looking closely, this image, unlike the Mark V image, is lacking the shoulder pauldrons, and of course having the characteristic Mark VI helmet. I'm aware of the fact that the MJOLNIR Armor is consistent from the Mark IV to Mark V, and that none of us see a Mark V in Halo 3 at all, and I certainly agree, but should we not include this and not just the Mark VI helmet in Halo Reach as well? Aside from the Manual of Style, I can find no rules prohibiting this. Does anyone else agree with this, or no? Last Updated by --Xamikaze330 23:52, 11 November 2011 (EST)Xamikaze330

All the pictures' sets have from the Mark VI is the helmet. On the Mark V page, all we include from Halo 3 is the helmet. Canon is the priority, and canonically only that the helmet and any other components labeled as MArk VI can be Mark VI. So no. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 00:47, 12 November 2011 (EST)

Transformers 3

The Autobot with a Scottish accent, Roadbuster, looks a lot like MJOLNIR armour, just sayin... Alex T Snow 04:57, 7 July 2011 (EDT)

FH on helm in halo reach

I posted that there is an FH on the chin area of the mark VI helm in Reach and it got undone. I'm going to add a screenshot to prove it because that's the only reason I can imagine someone undoing it.

update: readded it. the FH can be seen here

Upgraded/Altered Mark VI Suit

Looking at the article and relating it to what is known to the present about Halo 4, might it be valuable, at least to some degree, to note that John-117's armor has been physically reworked?

And not just in the audio-visual department, which is a favorite subject of 343 when discussing this subject. While I don't have the sources at this precise moment, it has been repeatedly stated that John's armor has had an in-universe change, and it is not mere impulsive artistic license. This means that the armor's outer physical shell looked the way it did in-universe because that is how it was constructed. The Mark VI as it was portrayed in Halo 3 is the original, unaltered version of the Mark VI, period.

Now that the context has changed, and Cortana did whatever she did, she reworked the suit's firmware while he was in cryo, but when the other information that I speak of is taken into account, it is clear that she did more than just firmware upgrading; she employed the resources at her disposal to alter the armor's physical shell.

And speaking of firmware, it is probably helpful to provide at least a partial description of the term. Firmware is basically software that is located in a physical structure, such as the circuitry in a TV remote, or in the devices such as network routers, video cards for computers, CD and DVD drives, hard drives, etc.

That means that in a real-world context, the physical structure containing the programs is fixed, but the programming itself can be upgraded, such as a person wanting to burn a set of DVDs or CDs in their DVD/CD drive, but being unable to do it because the software in their device is not able to perform the task, despite physically being able to do so. In that case, a person can contact the manufacturer of the device, who will in turn direct them to a source where they can get upgraded software, i.e. a firmware update for their DVD/CD drive, which will then enable them to perform their desired tasks.

Another aspect of firmware is that it is ROM, or "Read Only Memory." As far as I understand it, ROM is the hardwired programming for how a computer starts up before the software is enabled. Unlike alterable memory, like flash memory, these instructions are fixed and cannot be changed.

In the context of Halo 4's refitted Mark VI, Cortana accessed the suit and reworked the programs in its physical structure without necessarily changing the internal components. As for the physical change, it still isn't clear, though I do distinctly remember that at some point in late 2011, Frank O'Connor did state that prior to the start of the game, John had been physically removed from the cryotube and then later returned. Given the facts that I have described, this could mean that Cortana used the surviving machinery on the FoD to fashion new physical armor pieces, and then removed the original physical shell and replaced it with the new one. She could very well have done this she after she took him out of the tube, but that still leaves many questions.

Just speculation, of course, and unfortunately I don't have time at this precise moment to provide the necessary sources of my statements. I will, however, find them when I have the chance.--Exalted Obliteration 00:24, 9 May 2012 (EDT)

Should the new Mark VI have it's own section or article?

We can see that the new modded Mark VI is far different than the standard Mark VI visually and it's capabilities. Shouldn't there be a section on this article about it or maybe a new article on it? --ADinoSupremacist 00:06, 26 September 2012 (EDT)

There is already a section covering the aesthetics: Nanobots, instructed by Cortana, changed the entire armour but apparently they can't fix that gash on the chestpiece for some unknown reason. To say that nanobots is capable of doing wondrous to the armour (including the firmware, hardware, whatever-ware) as to giving new abilities/capabilities is ludicrous; you can't make a Windows95 to perform and function like a WindowsXP. So, as for capabilities, it is presumed that the MJOLNIR always had the ability to run/sprint as well as the ability to use loadouts, and that there was an onboard storage of hardware upgrades (e.g. VISR) as well as weapons (e.g. MA5D, BR85). — subtank 01:06, 26 September 2012 (EDT)