You must be new.Edit

Hey, I'm Bryan, or Digipatd. Visit my user page, sign my guestbook, and watch some YouTube videos while you're there.

19:15, 2 August 2007 (UTC)

User: Blemo/Greeting


Stop making userboxs that are alrighty made.--UoH|UNSCoH]] Colonel "Running Riot" Ryan File:Sm Sniper Rifle.gif BAM 17:26, 6 August 2007 (UTC)

Alright im sorry I just made them because they were not working. Grubish360 17:33, 6 August 2007 (UTC)


Congratulations! You have been accepted into the UNSC of Halopedia. Your assignment is Aegis Company. Now, private, get to work! This belongs to you: Template:UoH Private

-File:Major.png|20 Major ED

Welcome to Aegis CompanyEdit

Dear Grubish360,

Welcome to Aegis Company, one of the four companies that make up the UNSC of Halopedia. We are dedicated to improve any and every UNSC-related article, and we encourage you to help in any way you can! If you have any questions regarding A Company or anything else, send a message on the A Company talk page or on my personal talk page. If you don't know how to send a message, click the edit tab at the top of the page you wish to edit, and type!

Hope to hear from you, File:Marine Corp CPL.JPG|30 simon rjhFile:rjh.jpg|30 17:10, 8 August 2007 (UTC)


hey thanks for signing my page. fi you need anything give me a buzz. Spartan-010:Stryker My Comm My Battles File:master sergeant.jpg|20 13:53, 9 August 2007 (UTC)


Dear Grubish360,

On the behalf of the Halopedia community, I, RelentlessRecusant, cordially welcome you to Halopedia!

Well, I'm an administrator here, and if you need any help, whether it be regarding Wikia coding, article formatting, or ya just wanna chat, please feel free to contact me at my talk page! =]

I hope to see you 'round more!


RelentlessRecusant 'o the [[halowikia:Halopedia Team TALKMESSAGE 14:41, 16 August 2007 (UTC)

p.s. - How do you respond to this message? Just click this link and enter your comment. ^^

RE: How the Heck???Edit

Dear Grubish360,

When GPersonyThingy and myself made the latest version on the Main Page, the colored banners were taken from an idea on CommunityTest Wikia. We took CSS that defined helpheader classes that inserted the fade color banners from CT Wikia, and the red one was custom-made by GPT. =]


RelentlessRecusant 'o the [[halowikia:Halopedia Team TALKMESSAGE 14:41, 16 August 2007 (UTC)



An ImageEdit

How did you get this picture: [1] onto Halopedia, becuase when ever I try to save that type of image from my service record it wont work it just says set as background. What's your secret to making it a jpg image?

Grubish360 My COM Link | My Service Record File:Lieutenant-grade1.gif|25 14:42, 14 December 2007 (UTC)

All I do is open the service record, hit "printscreen" and use paintbrush to cut that image out. Here, I uploaded your current one for you:


--EDFile:ArmyROTC.gif|15 17:42, 14 December 2007 (UTC)


Thanks Grubster! I'll be sure to put them on soon! File:Darthtomsig.png|163 My page iChat What I've done 09:27, 29 May 2008 (UTC)

Bold text"Whats a Render?" --Spedster777 21:58, October 30, 2009 (UTC)

Signature helpEdit

I need help with my signature. For some reason when I put my signature in the user profile section and in the signature box and click raw signatures and save it says "Invalid raw signature; check HTML tags." Here is the code, I would be very happy if you could test it out in your preferences to see if it works for you. Also any help would be appreciated.

Hmm, that's quite odd. The HTML appears to be all valid. I recommend you put all the code into a subpage (such as User:Grubish360/Signature) and then insert


into your preferences. Let me know how that works out. — Manticore [ AdminIRCHOTMBot ] 12:33, 8 August 2008 (UTC)

Whats a render?


Hello there Mr. Grubish360, this message is about Jedimca0. He is an alright guy but he is abusing his power and should be stripped of his power and blocked for ever. he has made up lies up about me because I am telling him the difference between Chancellor Palpatine and Chancellor Palpatine (Clone Wars). He is also blocked me until 2012 because i am making grammatical changes to rhis Wiki. I would like you t look into Jedimca0.

Thank You! --ZacharyG11 19:25, November 28, 2009 (UTC)Zachary Greene


on your bioshock site i was bnd for vandalisum . but it was by acideent . can you help me?