The Heartless Nobody
July 28th
I've got a blog somewhere too... somewhere.
October 18, 2010
"I wish I had the Chief as my flood insurance."
Hey! I'm The Heartless nobody. I am an experienced swordfighter, training in the art of the German Longsword. I play chess... a lot. I like to fix computers, camp, and develop the sport that my friend and I are creating in our area. On the computer, I play TW, AoE, Rome: Total War, and the civilization series. I am a strategist by nature, and like challenges. Naturally, I play Halo as well, and am a proud newbie. Not a noob, I'm not going to teabag you if I happen to kill you... or maybe I will. lol Play me and find out. My gamertag is Blade of Hezron. Other than that, I can't think of much else, so that's all for now!
Lord of the Rings, Master and Commander, Braveheart, Star Wars, et cetera. Mythbusters Everything, seriously. Lord of the Rings series, The Legend of Drizzt Series, The Cleric Quintet Series, Dragons in our Midst series, The Legend of the Seeker series, Narnia series, Everything that I can get my hands on... especially if it's a series. Halo, Age of Empires, Kingdom Hearts, Total War series, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Battleforge, Myst, Civilization Series. N/A Quesadillas, Good Pizza, Apples (that's an inside joke, Doo-dad got apple) food in general. Orange juice (Don't ask) is at the top of the list, with lemonade, tea, and coffee lose behind. I drink enough orange juice to easily tell the brands apart. Yup, I'm weird.
My first overkill, a day after getting xbox live. =D