Sahlan Ahamed
23 article edits
Basic info

Amed Fabre


Gamma Halo


August 5, 2024

Recent activity
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Halo: The Television Series */"
Edited the page Halo Theme
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Halo: The Television Series */"
Edited the page Halo Theme
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Halo: The Television Series */"
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Halo: The Television Series */"
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Halo: The Television Series */"
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Other media */New Content."
Edited the page The Trials
"Updated the link"
Edited the page Halo Theme
"/* Halo Infinite */"
1 of 1
About me

Student. Just a regular Halopedia user someone who's onto Halo lore a bit too much. Unhealthy levels, some would say.

Hobbies & interests

I love reading, writing and hearing music. I can express more with written words than a straight conversation.

Favorite Halo moment

First discovering Halo! It was H2 and I played it partially before moving to CE, so I can do it in "the correct way" because I'm a perfectionist.

Worst Halo moment

When I, for some reason, argued that CE Chief armour looked less bright compared to Infinite, and continued to double down on that claim.

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