Operator Snake
16 article edits
Basic info

April 23, 2020

Recent activity
Sent a message to Porplemontage
"But can I delete the profile itself?"
Sent a message to Porplemontage
"Hello, I am wondering if I can delete my profile."
Received an award
1 of 1
Hobbies & interests

Donnie Darko, Saving Private Ryan, and Unbreakable Better Call Saul, Breaking Bad, and The Walking Dead Almost all types (Avenged Sevenfold, Breaking Benjamin, Daft Punk, and of course Martin O’Donnell and Mick Gordon) The Outsiders Halo, Tale Tell’s The Walking Dead, and Nintendo games Popular Science and whatever I can find at the doctor’s office Sprite

Favorite Halo moment

The Great Journey mission from Halo: 2 Anniversary

Worst Halo moment

Halo: 5 Guardians

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