Joined August 7, 2015
60 article edits
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Detroit, Michigan
August 7, 2015
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"K thanks, I wonder if we will ever see Solemn Penance again, if it survi..."
Sent a message to NightHammer
"Hey, was wandering if it's possible that the shipmaster of Solemn Penanc..."
Sent a message to NightHammer
"Hey, was wandering if it's possible that the shipmaster of Solemn Penanc..."
Sent a message to NightHammer
"Dude I'm gonna be offline for a while but I think someone needs to make..."
Sent a message to NightHammer
"Dude I'm gonna be offline for a while but I think someone needs to make..."
Sent a message to NightHammer
"K thanks though, I have the game and I've been going through and finding..."
Sent a message to NightHammer
Sent a message to NightHammer
"Dude I'm wandering if you or someone can make a page on the osso on a in..."
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