Joined October 18, 2010

157 article edits
Basic info
April 3rd
October 18, 2010
Recent activity

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About me
Well, what is there to say? I am a major Halo fan. I have all the books, games, and various merchandise (my proudest being a rather large Halo Wars promotional board with three Spartans about five feet tall on it). I know a good bit of trivia just from playing the games over and over as well as reading the books over and over. I also play some Runescape, so I guess with the Halo games, books, merchandise, and playing Runescape, I am a typical video game nerd. :P
Hobbies & interests
Anything with a good plot, comedy, and/or lots of action
Same as above Country overall, but anything really All of the Halo books, The Outsiders, Flags of our Fathers, Hatchet, Sci Fi in general Halo, Madden, Army of Two, Guitar Hero, Runescape, Call of Duty Game Informer if it has an interesting main article Tacos, Chicken, Reese Cups, and Cheesy Potatoes Sweet Tea, Milk, and Mountain Dew
Favorite Halo moment
I always liked the scene where Arbiter kills Truth. It was also fun getting a Kiltastrophe in matchmaking infection. :)
Worst Halo moment
Watching Noble Team, Miranda Keyes, Jacob Keyes, and Johson all die.
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