This article is about the DVD focusing on Halo: Combat Evolved. For the book focusing on Halo: The Television Series, see The Making of Halo The Series: Hope, Heroism, Humanity.
The Making of Halo (Launch 2001) DVD front.
The disc on its attachment.

The Making of Halo is a promotional DVD-ROM distributed by Bungie in 2001 as part of the launch campaign for Halo: Combat Evolved on Xbox. The disc contains a compilation of trailers, commentaries, concept art, screenshots, soundtrack samples and more.[1] The disc's contents are additionally included in The Ultimate Halo Companion DVD.


Nearly four years in the making, Halo has inspired fierce anticipation from the moment It was unveiled. Even in the earliest stages of development it was apparent that Halo would not look, sound, or play quite like any other game-but then it was developed by a group of people who were not quite like any other game developers. Now, on the eve of Halo's release, we invite you to watch Halo evolve from an idea into a world-wide phenomenon.


Team InterviewsEdit

Concept ArtEdit

  • Sketches.
  • Storyboard for the first cinematic in HALO.

Sounds of HaloEdit

The GameEdit

  • Information of the game.
  • Screenshots.


Bonus ContentEdit

  • All movie files in WMV format.
  • All audio files in WMA format.
  • Windows Media Player 7.1.
  • Windows Media Player skin.
  • Desktop themes for Windows XP.

