This template is used as a shorthand to insert a a type-classification clarification into an article's opening body, without cluttering the opening sentence too much.
To insert this template onto a page, place the following wikitext onto the article.
{{Type|52|Special Applications Rifle|SAR}}
This template accepts three parameters;
Type number - the raw type-class number Name - the name of the object Acronym - an optional third parameter which will add the weapon's official acronym shortening, if necessary
Error states
This template has no error states.
Here is an example of what the template will output, when used:
Wiki markup | Result |
The '''''M'tara''-pattern Fire Rifle''' {{Type|52|Special Applications Rifle}} is a sniper weapon used by Covenant forces. |
The M'tara-pattern Fire Rifle (UNSC Type classification: Type-52 Special Applications Rifle) is a sniper weapon used by Covenant forces. |
The '''''M'tara''-pattern Fire Rifle''' {{Type|52|Special Applications Rifle|SAR}} is a sniper weapon used by Covenant forces. |
The M'tara-pattern Fire Rifle (UNSC Type classification: Type-52 Special Applications Rifle, T-52 SAR) is a sniper weapon used by Covenant forces. |
Template dependencies
This template does not depend on any other templates.
Extension dependencies
This template does not require any extensions.
Dependent templates
The following templates depend upon this one. If you are making changes to this template, please ensure that they will not break any of them!