

This template has been adjusted to display certain child templates at a time. Placing any of the following as parameters will instruct the template to only display those child templates. By default, it will display all of them.

  • CE - displays /CE
  • H2 - displays /H2
  • H3 - displays /H3
  • ODST - displays /ODST
  • HR - displays /HR
  • H4 - displays /H4
  • H2AMP - displays /H2AMP
  • H5G - displays /H5G
  • HI - displays /HI
  • HSA - displays /HSA
  • HSS - displays /HSS
  • HFR - displays /HFR


Show all games:


Show only Halo 3:


Show Halo 3, Halo 4, and Halo Infinite:
