Talk:M19-B surface-to-air missile launcher

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Halo 2?Edit

Isn't this in Halo 2? On the weapon itself it does not show the "B" variant mark, but it homes in. Canonically it would obviously not make sense that the Halo 2 rocket Launcher is the same as the Combat Evolved one.--Halofighter92 07:55, 18 August 2009 (UTC)

There was confusion in the novels and games as to what M41 referred to and what M19 was. We tried to put the discrepancy to rest in the Halo: The Essential Visual Guide in the Rocket Launcher entry. It was decided there that M19 referred to the rocket ammo and the M41 referred to the launcher itself. The Ghosts of Onyx reference should really be changed to M41 if they ever revise the text. -ScaleMaster117 (talk) 10:54, 30 July 2013 (EDT)