Talk:Lee R. Wilson Memorial

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Who is Lee R Wilson, and what's he got to do with grenade sticks? simon rjh 10:31, 14 July 2007 (UTC)

I know right, I was thinking that too. I looked him up but couldn't find him anywhere. E93 18:42, 15 August 2007 (UTC)

After Googling Lee R Wilson Grenade, I've found that Lee R Wilson could be a reference to R. Lee Wilson, who was killed while throwing himself on a grenade to save his comrades: Wikipedia Page on Robert L Wilson Rebelgecko 06:01, 24 September 2007 (UTC)

Aha, I think I found it. The Robert Lee Wilson reference seems to be a coincidence. Here is what I found, from an interview:

Joe Tung: Just in case you don't know, he's the only Bungie employee with an achievement named after him. The Lee R Wilson Memorial (Score 5 grenade sticks in any ranked free for all playlist.

Lee Wilson: It's for sticking people with plasma grenades.

Pro-G: Why is it named after you?

Joe Tung: Because he can't shoot a weapon.

Lee Wilson: Because that's pretty much all I do. But I got pretty decent at it.

Joe Tung: No, you're -blam!-. <-- Here's the article. (I can't get it to post with a real link; just delete the space. 11:29, 30 September 2007 (UTC)