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Halo wars bansheeEdit

Why did they go so fast

The boost systems in the anti-grav pods. Oh trust me I really love Halo, and know some things, which is why I go to this site.--prophit of war 22:15, 1 December 2006 (UTC)

Um I thought they only had one Fuel Rod.--JohnSpartan117 04:29, 8 December 2006 (UTC)

From the Singleship/Starfighter page: "Singleships are capable of deep-space flight." But a Banshee isn't really capable of deep-space flight is it? So it shouldn't be called a Starfighter, but rather a vehicle, like a Ghost or Spectre. 04:09, 10 December 2006 (UTC)

That's right it's more of an air to ground assault vehicle.--prophit of war 15:49, 17 December 2006 (UTC)

Defintely not a starfighter!Edit

The Banshee is NOT a starfighter. It is incapable of traveling in hard vacuum thus making it not a STARfighter--User:JohnSpartan117 [1] 23:10, 4 January 2007 (UTC)

In halo 2, in the cinematic "the heretic" they are shown flying in space next to the high charity.But indeed they are not starfighters, because they have air to ground attack weapons.--Spartan-007 08:52, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
Are you sure? I thought they were only IN High Charity... I'll go check... BRB. Guesty-Persony-Thingy 09:09, 5 January 2007 (UTC)
Yeah... at first it shows some cruisers, then a really close cruiser, then it shows a different view, showing High Charity, with more cruisers, then it shows the INSIDE of High Charity, where Banshees are flying around. Anyway, reasons from which you can deduce they can not fly in space: 1. The pilot has to be wearing an airtight suit, so only Spartans and Rangers could fly in space anyway. 2. Banshees have gravity pods at the end of their wings--GRAVITY pods. They somehow use the power of gravity to fly. However, there is minimal gravity in space, so there's nothing to work off of. Of course, it's entirely possible for a Banshee to BE in space, but not to FLY. 3. YES! I said "3."! OLOLO! Guesty-Persony-Thingy 09:14, 5 January 2007 (UTC)