Lord Susto's board
Hi. Would you mind providing a source for where these encyclopedia images are coming from? As a reminder, we do not permit the use of AI or other autonated image upscaling software to artificially increase the quality of an image, and I have been removing images you've uploaded in the past that have used such software. Another user has also tried to upload similar images over this weekend just gone, so I'd very much appreciate a proper source being noted here - otherwise I will have to ask that you remove them.
I noticed you're adding the Phoenix Log entries. Just note that the logs do contain several canon errors and that Grim has stated on Twitter are in the works to being fixed soon so don't forget to update the page as the game is updated! :P
Keep up the good work!
Yes but I doesn't make sense with them wearing cadet unis if they're civilians like John and Parisa at the time
The reason is that during the trailer the kids are in uniforms likely UNSC so it's more likely it's Kelly because they would be on Reach and not Eridanus II