JEA13's board

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posted 12 years ago

aah, thats too bad. i am sort of too. my xbox live is about to run out anyways. so im gonna be off xbl for awhile

posted 12 years ago

hey! its been a long time since we talked! apperently 480 some odd days lol. U still around?

posted 13 years ago

Γιεά σου φίλε! Ήθελα να σου πω ότι χρειάζομαι οπωσδήποτε βοήθεια στην Ελληνική Wiki του Halo διότι δουλεύω μόνος και δεν βλέπω να πηγαίνει μπροστά. Μετέφερε αυτό το μύνημα και στους άλλους Έλληνες χρήστες. Τα λέμε σύντομα!

posted 14 years ago

that sucks. y is that?

posted 14 years ago

lol yeaa  :( is it true that bungie is merginng with another gaming company?

posted 14 years ago

haahaa my lasty msg failed xD reach was pretty gud but now i relly want Black ops D:

posted 14 years ago

i was lucky. my bday was a week b4 it came out. so u can imagine were it wend XDD

posted 14 years ago

its k :)

posted 14 years ago

trying to get used to new wikia lol

posted 14 years ago

Hello JEA13! As you may know, I am trying to eliminate the levelname template from the wiki. By my estimate, there are over 400 pages with the levelname template on it, so if you would help me in the mass elimination of it, I would appreciate it.

posted 14 years ago

nai thimamai pws isoun enantion, alla pios kserei, isws i metakinisi mas dwsei megaluteri eleftheria. Pantos sxetika me to Reach, file moy mporw na sou pw pws einai gia emena 2o kalutero meta to CE. Oi anthrwpoi (Bungie) dwsane resta :P

posted 14 years ago

ela re sy, pws sou fenetai to neo domain? :P Epekses to Reach??

posted 14 years ago

I run my timing in reverse to your's, lol. During the school terms is when me and my friends usually go out the most, usually on our fridays or saturdays. Once the major holidays come along though, everyone takes off to different locations for a break so me and the misc. friends that stay only end up going anywhere maybe twice every week for the 6 week break. Naturally I become socially withdrawn, and return to wikia. Heh.

posted 14 years ago

I've been great lately! My final exams for this year start in about 3 weeks, so I've been studying a lot lol. How about you? What've you been up to?

posted 14 years ago

Τί είναι αυτό που έβαλες για αβαταρ ρε?

posted 14 years ago

Hey there JEA! It's been aggggges since I've talked to you, lol.