CIA391's board
Halo S1 thumbnails.
I've got all the thumbnails, but looks like they're dynamic, they change on the P+ site.
I'm indecisive on which one to use
Sure that’s fine, I’m not the most talkative person in the world, but I would be happy to join the discord. :)
Righty, I was assuming from Shadows of Reach's wording that because it's in "the line, which featured the MA37", which is MA5, it's of the same series. Thanks for taking the time to explain this decision, it's appreciated.
Fair enough, I guess. I suppose we could wait for the 2022 Encyclopedia to be released, and see what it has to say.
I dunno... I get the rationale behind making the Infinite version an "unknown variant", but I still don't get the logic for why we can't just assume the CE version is a Type-33. It just seems like we're making things more complicated than necessary.
Okay, but the page for the Type-33 says the Halo Reach version is similar in appearance to the Combat Evolved one. So logically, shouldn't that mean the CE evolved version is a Type-33?
I'm doing my best, but honestly I haven't gotten into it to do much more than broad strokes at the moment. If you'll notice, most of what I've done is little more than summarize the role of each thing in the book rather than a full breakdown. Hence the more broad referencing.
If the plasma pistol can be a pistol then why the storm rifle and plasma repeater cannot be consider as assault rifle.
Right now I don't have much time but the 4 last uploads I made has summaries on them, so I wonder if that's what I need to do when uploading.