Uploads by Osiris

This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
17:28, January 5, 2021 H5G-Knight Assist.png (file) 6 KB  
16:50, January 5, 2021 H5G-Hunter Assist.png (file) 7 KB  
16:46, January 5, 2021 H5G-Elite Assist.png (file) 7 KB  
15:30, January 5, 2021 H5G-Soldier Assist.png (file) 7 KB {{file info |summary = Soldier Assist medal. |game = Halo 5: Guardians |type = medal |source = http://halotracker.com/h5/db/medals |filename = H5G-Soldier_Assist.png |license = unknown }}
10:38, March 30, 2020 H5G-mongoose assist.png (file) 28 KB {{file info |game = Halo 5: Guardians |type = medal |source = http://halotracker.com/h5/db/medals }}
10:12, March 30, 2020 H5G-mongoose destroyed.png (file) 27 KB {{file info |game = Halo 5: Guardians |type = medal |source = https://content.halocdn.com/media/Default/games/halo-5-guardians/sprites/medals_10-26-17-1ed917479dd14818b09ef10e29ff60b1.png |filename = https://content.halocdn.com/media/Default/games/halo...
22:17, February 4, 2020 NA Glassed.jpg (file) 349 KB Reverted to version as of 21:15, February 4, 2020 (EST)