Icon Name Description Unlock requirements
Default Default skin. Unlocked by default
H3 Shotgun Woodland Skin.png
Woodland Camping is a legitimate strategy. Series 4, Tier 8 (Spartan Point 1)
H3 Shotgun Golden Skin.png
Golden Bling on the ring. Series 4, Tier 24 (Spartan Point 1)
H3 Shotgun HuntersBlood Skin.png
Hunter's Blood Well armed. Well armored. Series 4, Tier 38 (Spartan Point 1)
H3 Shotgun JadeRaven Skin.png
Jade Raven Deep in trackless green. Series 6, Tier 85 (Spartan Point 1)
HTMCC Season 8 battlepass icon.
Vexing Tomorrow Inscribed by the finest artists for the ugliest jobs. Series 8, Tier 17 (Spartan Point 1)
H3 Shotgun BlackRhino Skin.png
Black Rhine Invest in close-range success. The Exchange (Spartan Point 3)
MCC Menu icon.
OGX The competition won't know what hit them. The Exchange (Spartan Point 3)
Season 8 skin icon.
Scorned Fate Worn down by blood, time, and hate. The Exchange (Spartan Point 4)