The following is a list of quotes said by Commander Sarah Palmer.

Halo 4Edit

War GamesEdit

  • "Welcome aboard the UNSC Infinity." - Palmer welcoming new recruits to War Games
  • "I'm Spartan Sarah Palmer, Infinity Commander."
  • "Spartans have earned a high degree of autonomy over the weapons, abilities, and armor they take into combat."
  • "Use the customized menu to access all the info on your Spartan Career."
  • "Access Loadouts to customize the gear you take into battle."
  • "If you want more customization options, prove you're worth it."
  • "Rank up on the battlefield and you'll earn all the shiny new toys."
  • "You're a Spartan, you're the best there ever was."
  • "The best there ever will be."
  • "So get out there, and show the rest of the galaxy just what that means."


  • "Peters, you heard Commander Lasky."
  • "Move, move, move!"
  • "Yes, sir! Fours, go!" - When Lasky orders her to get her men inside a Forerunner building.
  • "Seal her up!" - Palmer's command to her Spartans.
  • "I thought you'd be taller." - Palmer upon meeting John-117.
  • "Sir...we'll never get the wounded back to the ship on foot." - Palmer to Lasky, regarding their need for a Pelican.
  • "Sir, Gypsy Company is prepped and ready to roll on your orders. - Palmer to Del Rio aboard the Infinity.


  • "Chief; Spartan Sarah Palmer in Infinity CIC. Commander Lasky's waiting for you on the Mammoth." - Palmer to Master Chief when preparing the attack on the particle cannons.
  • "Chief, Palmer again. The Mammoth's got jetpacks onboard. If I were down there, I'd want one."
  • "Captain Del Rio, targeting Pelicans are in position near the particle cannons, waiting for the Mammoth's Mini-MAC to take them out."
  • "Seven Six Six, lose some altitude. You're inside the kill box!" - Palmer warns the targeting Pelicans that they're in range of the particle cannon.
  • "Pelican! Fall back!"
  • "There's Gypsy Seven's Pelican, out in the muck. Anyone still alive?"
  • "I'm on it, Commander. Palmer out." - When Gypsy Company requests evac for casualties.

Halo: Infinity / Spartan OpsEdit


  • "Why, hello. Spartan...?" - When Paul DeMarco greets her.
  • "Wow. A whole fireteam, huh?" - After he brags to her that he leads Fireteam Majestic.
  • "Sarah Palmer. Commander Sarah Palmer. I lead all fireteams onboard Infinity." - Palmer reveals who she is to DeMarco.
  • "At ease, Spartans. Follow me, S-Deck is this way."
  • "Captain Lasky. You know I come here for my peace and quiet." - After Lasky asks if she's come to the bridge because she's bored.
  • "I'm not interrupting naptime, am I?"
  • "We've waited six months. We could spend another 48 hours running the teams through the War Games..." - When Lasky tells her they're about to be deployed.
  • "Ladies and...other Spartans, listen up! Your new workplace is a planet first discovered by humanity six months ago called Requiem. Some of the old hands here know what you're in for. The rest of you... You're due for an education." - Palmer briefing SPARTAN-IV soldiers about their deployment to Requiem.
  • "The eggheads upstairs wants to set up research bases. But before they can do that, we need to fend off some Covenant squatters. The Covies... they believe this is the home of one of their gods! Way I see it, if those freaks wanna meet God, it's our duty to help them along!" - Commander Palmer discussing the Covenant presence on Requiem.

Land GrabEdit

  • "Spartan Sarah Palmer, Infinity Commander to all Navy, Army, and Marine forces, you can relax. The Spartans are here." - As the Pelicans carrying Fireteam Crimson arrive.
  • "Crimson, Commander Palmer. Your mission's not just about wreaking havoc, fun though that may be. Miller, light up the targets for Crimson."
  • "Those are power cores, intended for short-range wireless distribution. Destroy them or the Covies will build bases, and we'll have a hell of a time rooting them out."
  • "I don't need a second-by-second, Miller. Tell me once the other three are down." - After Jared Miller tells her Crimson has destroyed the first power core.
  • "Affirmative, Miller. Dalton, scramble a ride home for Crimson." - After all the power cores are destroyed.
  • "Eyes up. You've got a Phantom coming your way."
  • "There you go, Crimson. Something to shoot! Enjoy." - As Covenant drop pods arrive.
  • "Already? Everyone else is still hip deep in bad guys. Impressive work, Miller. Congratulate the team." - When Miller informs her that Crimson has killed all their attackers.

Sniper AlleyEdit

  • "Crimson, I'm moving you up to something a little tougher today..." - As Crimson is flown to Sniper Alley.
  • "Inserting you into a Covenant-held area that the Marines have been throwing themselves against to no avail. Short version of your to-do list: if it moves, shoot it."
  • "Crimson doesn't need a science report, Miller. They just need a target to shoot." - When Miller informs Crimson about the power being pulled from Requiem.
  • "Give them a waypoint, Miller." - When Miller notes a nearby power source to the shield Crimson may want to deactivate.
  • "Nice work." - When the shield is deactivated.
  • "What the hell are the Covenant doing?"
  • "Spit it out, Miller." - When Miller has difficulty explaining what the Covenant are doing.
  • "Hostiles inbound, Crimson. Give them a proper welcome, yeah?"
  • "Dalton, send Crimson supplies."
  • "Once again, Spartans do in 24 minutes what Marines can't do in 24 hours. Dalton, I need a decent-sized explosive launched from Infinity on Crimson's mark."
  • "Crimson, secure the area near the generator. You're going to be Dalton's eyes on this one."
  • "Miller, light up the last few targets."
  • "Miller, paint a target on the generator for Spartan Dalton."
  • "Well done, everyone. Crimson, head to the extraction point and come on home."

The ChallengeEdit

  • "Spartans, you're being deployed to a pair of identical structures located north of primary operations. Here's a challenge for you: who can clear their base of Prometheans first?" - Palmer deploys Fireteams Crimson and Majestic.
  • "The respect of your peers, DeMarco. That should be an exciting new experience for you." - When DeMarco asks what they get if they win.
  • "About time! Good work, teams. Now then, let the games begin." - When Crimson destroys the signal jammers interfering with their comm signals.
  • "Show me what you've got, Spartans."
  • "Next tower then. Show some hustle."
  • "Take out the Watchers, Crimson."
  • "Haven't heard from you in a while, DeMarco."
  • "FYI. Crimson's gaining on you."
  • "Nicely done. Painting a waypoint for your third target." - After Crimson disables the second tower.
  • "Crimson's way ahead of you, DeMarco." - After Majestic disables their second tower.
  • "Crimson, there's your next target."
  • "Crimson, do something about those Watchers."
  • "Good show. Marking an evac location for you now." - After Crimson disables all the towers.
  • "You're right, DeMarco. Crimson had more to deal with than you." - After DeMarco complains that Crimson must have not had the same amount of enemies to fight.
  • "Dalton. Crimson could use some new toys."
  • "Send Crimson some resupply, Dalton."
  • "Nice work down there, Crimson. Maybe next time, eh Majestic?" - As Crimson is flown away.


  • "Crimson, good work showing Majestic Team how it's done. DeMarco'll be mad about that for days. I need a fireteam I can depend on, and until you prove otherwise, you're it.
  • "Infinity Science has identified a jungle structure they want to see up close. I want boots on the ground before the eggheads go poking at every shiny object they find."
  • "Looking all quiet, Crimson. I think you have the place to yourselves."
  • "Let's have a look." - When Miller reports a power fluctuation in the back of the facility.
  • "This is why I didn't let Science Team go in there alone. Pop 'em and move on." - When Crawlers attack Crimson.
  • "That's a star map. See if you can access the data."
  • "Crimson, heads up! Crawlers!"
  • "Okay, Crimson. This was only ever recon. I'm pulling you out until Science Team can review that data. Miller, mark the extraction point."
  • "Knights are nasty customers, but you can deal with them. Keep them front and center, and don't stop shooting until they pop." - When a Promethean Knight attacks the team.
  • "Spartan Miller! Where did Crimson's egress disappear to?"
  • "Find them a way out, Miller!" - After Miller tells her the building's layout has shifted.
  • "Make it quick!" - To Miller, telling to find Crimson an escape.
  • "Hold up, Crimson. That place still isn't safe for science-types. Clear the area of all hostiles so those eggheads don't get hurt."
  • "Pop those flyers quick, or they'll resurrect their buddies!" - When Watchers arrive.
  • "Everything's baby-proofed? Good stuff. Dalton. I need a ride for Crimson at their new extraction location."
  • "Nice work, Crimson. Miller, get that data over to Science Team and see what they can get from it. It better be something worthwhile."


  • "Okay, Crimson. The data you pulled out of the jungle ties into some earlier info on Covenant archaeological teams. The Covies have found a needle in the Requiem haystack, and you're going to stop them from retrieving it." - As Crimson is brought to The Cauldron.
  • "First things first, Crimson. Eliminate anything that moves."
  • "Miller, find Crimson a way through those doors."
  • "Got 'em both. Miller?" - After the player activates both door switches.
  • "Move ahead to the next area, Crimson."
  • "Go ahead, Dalton."
  • "Commander Palmer to Fireteam Castle. You're on, Spartans. Dalton's got targets for you."
  • "Find a way to bring them down. I don't like the Covenant working this hard to guard a dig."
  • "Shut them down, Crimson." - As Crimson approaches the shield controls.
  • "Promethean Knights are working alongside Covenant? That's bad news. Get a look at what they were guarding."
  • "I don't care. If the Covies wanted it this badly, I'm happy to get it first." - As the Forerunner artifact is retrieved.
  • "Defend the artifact, Crimson! Dalton! Crimson needs immediate evac!"
  • "Fireteam Castle, this is Commander Palmer! I need an ETA on clear skies!"
  • "Dalton! Where the hell is that ride?!"
  • "About time! Crimson! Let's go!"
  • "Nice work, Crimson. Come on home."


  • "Hoya." - When seeing him being carried away on a hospital bed.
  • "Hey, what happened to Hoya?"
  • "Crimson Team scored the first grab. Whatever it is, it's got the eggheads all tingly." - Referring to the Forerunner artifact.
  • "The hell?"
  • "Roland, what is this damned thing?"
  • "Further attempts at... physical persuasion haven't had much effect. Damn thing's stuck fast." - When Dr. Glassman arrives to study it.
  • "She's all yours, doc."
  • "Tom!" - When Glassman starts pulling Lasky into the artifact, trying to save himself.

Clean UpEdit

  • "Crimson, your job today is to dig out some nasty Covenant squatters. They've parked themselves in a hole with anti-air guns and are proving themselves to be quite a pain in the UNSC's ass. Hit 'em fast, hit 'em hard, don't leave anyone standing." - As Crimson is flown to The Gate.
  • "Take it slow, Crimson. No need to rush." - When Shade turrets attack the player.
  • "So not just Covenant, but Prometheans too. Noted." - After Miller informs her that Watchers are attacking at well.
  • "Heads up!"
  • "Let's get those AA guns offline."
  • "Settle down, Dalton, we're working on it." - When Dalton asks how long until the Covenant anti-air guns are brought offline.
  • "Point the way, Miller. Let's have a look."
  • "Dalton, Crimson could use some resupply."
  • "Stay focused, Crimson. Take them down." - When Knights teleport in.
  • "Miller. A bit of decorum, please?" - In response to Miller cheering.
  • "Dalton, a ride home for Crimson, please."
  • "Distress?" - After Miller tells her about a distress signal from the scientists at The Cauldron.
  • "Miller, tell them help's on the way. Dalton, change of plans. Crimson's going to rescue some eggheads."

For ScienceEdit

  • "Any word from the Science Team?"
  • "Crimson, secure the area. Miller, try to raise the geeks. If they're still alive, tell them help's on the way."
  • "Keep looking, Miller."
  • "Crimson, I'm painting some targets for you. Covie comm equipment. Take it out."
  • "Excellent work." - After Crimson destroys the targets.
  • "Get moving, Crimson."
  • "There's the UNSC gear. You're getting close." - When the scientists' equipment is found.
  • "Crimson, collect that IFF tag and see what it recorded."
  • "Crimson, there's heavy enemy movement nearby. Get ready."
  • "Go ahead, Dalton." - When Dalton informs her he's got a message from the scientists.
  • "We're not there yet." - After Dr. Rivera thanks them over the comm for the rescue.
  • "Miller, give Crimson a lock on Doc Rivera's signal."
  • "Nice work" - After all the enemies are dead.
  • "Crimson, have a look around. The shield generator should be nearby."
  • "Doctor Rivera? Status?"
  • "Get moving, Crimson."
  • "Stay put, Doctor. Let the professionals clear the area."
  • "Miller, light up the last few targets."
  • "Nice work, Crimson. Doctor Rivera, you can take the shields down now."


  • "Man up, Hacksaw. Reinforcements inbound." - When Hacksaw Squad requests for help at Fortress.
  • "Crimson, it's a straightforward rescue op. If it's UNSC, save its ass. If it's a Covie, blast it to hell."
  • "Nice work, Crimson. Hacksaw Team, you're under Spartan command for the duration. Fall in with Crimson and offer fire support."
  • "Looking pretty good down there, Crimson. Keep it up."
  • "Dalton, you there?"
  • "Line up a ride for Crimson and friends."
  • "Excellent work."
  • "Dalton, sitrep on that extraction team?"
  • "Crimson, clear the tower of any Covenant and give Dalton's people somewhere to park."
  • "Keep sharp, Crimson."
  • "Spit it out, Miller." - When Miller expresses shock at something, but fails to say what.
  • "Well that's hardly fair. They'll need way more than that if they're going to beat Crimson." - When Miller tells her multiple Phantoms are coming the area.
  • "Ammo crates?"
  • "Ammo up, Crimson."
  • "Told ya it wasn't a fair fight." - After the last Phantom is destroyed, with no Covenant on the ground.
  • "Crimson, clear out the last few stragglers down there. Dalton, get your bird on the ground pronto." - If there are enemy troops remaining.
  • "Textbook example of kicking ass. Well done, Crimson." - If the player saves two or more marines.
  • "Well, Crimson, at least you got one marine out." - If the player saves only one marine.
  • "Crimson, this was a search-and-rescue mission. I think you forgot the rescue bit." - If the player fails to save any marines.
  • "Understood, Dalton. Job's done, Crimson. Come on home." - When the Pelican arrives.

Pelican DownEdit

  • "What the hell brought them down?" After anti-air guns shoot down Crimson's Pelican.
  • "Sitrep, Miller! Is anyone alive down there?"
  • "Hold back all other air traffic near Crimson's coordinates until they can take down those guns. Gagarin will have to wait."
  • "Sniper! Keep your heads down, Crimson!"
  • "Drop pods coming your way!"
  • "Looks like you've got drop pods headed your way!"
  • "Miller, paint the target for Crimson."
  • "Get moving, Crimson. Take down those AA guns."
  • "Dalton, Crimson could use some resupply."
  • "Send Crimson some resupply, Dalton."
  • "Shut it down, Crimson." - When Crimson reaches the first AA gun.
  • "That's one gun down. Move on to the next one, Crimson."
  • "Paint it, Miller." - When Miller locks onto the second gun.
  • "There's your second AA gun, Crimson."
  • "Excellent. Dalton, the air corridor is open again."
  • "Crimson, let's get you moving in Gagarin's direction."
  • "Miller, your attention to detail's one of the few things I truly like about you. Never stop." - When Miller tells Crimson more Covenant are coming, admitting this might be obvious.
  • "Halfway done. Clean out the stragglers, Crimson. No reason to leave anybody behind."
  • "They're also reasonably close to a transit tunnel if I'm reading this map right." - Referring to Gagarin Team.
  • "There it is then, Crimson. Off you go." - When Miller points out the tunnel leads to their last location.


  • "Yeah, but we know how that always goes. Stay sharp, Crimson." - When Miller says the place is deserted.
  • "Crimson. Get a look at that computer."
  • "Let's see what it recorded from the experiments here."
  • "Well that's no good." - After hearing the recording, which suggests an attack.
  • "Yes, and?" - When Miller points out an active device.
  • "Then Crimson's gonna turn it off. Get to it."
  • "See, I told you there'd be things to shoot. Happy birthday, Crimson." - When Prometheans arrive.
  • "Well?" - To Miller, after the second switch is activated.
  • "What's science say?"
  • "Have a look, Crimson."
  • "What the hell happened down there?" - After hearing the second recording.
  • "Miller, is there anything else Gagarin team turned on?"
  • "Nice work, Crimson." - After Crimson activates the next switch.
  • "Where's the cannon fodder, Miller?" - Asking Miller to mark all the Crawlers.
  • "Show them where to go, Miller."
  • "Let's see what it's got." - When a third recording is found.
  • "Crimson, shut it all down. I'll get a team of professionals to go in and figure out what Gagarin turned on."
  • "Crimson, finish clearing the area, and we'll get you a ride out."
  • "Good work, Crimson. Fall back to the LZ. Marines are headed your way to hold down the fort until another science team can be brought in."
  • "Oh, do tell." - When Miller says he has a theory.
  • "That's above your pay grade, Miller." - After Miller suggests the scientists were translocated like Dr. Glassman.


  • "Last chance to change your mind." - To Lasky, as the Prowler carrying Catherine Halsey arrives.
  • "She was locked up for a reason."
  • "And now we're letting the war criminal touch things." - When Halsey is allowed to access the engine controls.
  • "It would help." - When Lasky jokes he could type for Halsey.
  • "Hey!" - When a pulse travels through the room due to Halsey's tinkering.
  • "Only the engines are Forerunner tech. The rest is human." - When Halsey says the artifact is communicating with Infinity's engine and other systems.

The VIPEdit

  • "Crimson, we've got a line on Parg Vol, a Sangheili terrorist, and a known associate of Jul 'Mdama. My thinking is, if we can put Vol down like a sick dog, then the galaxy's a better place."
  • "Show Crimson." - When Miller reports that Parg Vol has been sighted.
  • "Sniper. Keep your heads down, Crimson."
  • "Sniper fire! Freakin' campers."
  • "Dalton, send Crimson supplies."
  • "Miller, that Phantom's getting away."
  • "Dammit! (sighs) We'll get another chance. We know he can't go far." - When the Phantom carrying Parg Vol escapes.
  • "Crimson, clean up the rest of Parg Vol's cronies. No reason to let any of those hingeheads escape."
  • "Nice work."
  • "Go ahead, Dalton."
  • "Don't see why not." - After Dalton suggests Crimson recover stolen UNSC assets.
  • "Be ready, Crimson."
  • "Crimson, do me a favor and take down any bad guys. I don't appreciate UNSC tech being stolen."
  • "I guess Parg Vol wasn't screwing around when he decided to start a UNSC collection, was he?"
  • Here comes the party, Crimson. Grab some ammo and dig in."
  • "Give 'em hell, Crimson!"
  • "Dalton, Crimson could use some new toys."
  • "Send Crimson some resupply, Dalton."
  • "Phantom headed your way, Spartans."
  • "Drop pods coming your way."
  • "Dalton, Crimson could use some resupply."
  • "Clear the area, Crimson. Scorched Earth policy here."
  • "Miller, show Crimson their cleanup detail."
  • "Miller, light up the last few targets."
  • "Well done, Crimson. Dalton, give Crimson a lift home?"
  • "Dr. Owen? Hello?" - When Shannon Owen radios in asking for help at Galileo Base.
  • "Crimson, you're closest. Saddle up. You're the rescue crew."


  • "Crimson, you're coming in hot on Galileo Base. There're Marines on the ground, but make no mistake, you're the cavalry."
  • "Doctor Owen, shut down the systems while Crimson aids the Marines." - When Owen reports that the Covenant is accessing their computers.
  • "Crimson, targets are painted. Shut 'em down." - After Miller points out the location of the power cores.
  • "Got it, Dalton. Eyes toward the sky, Crimson."
  • "Two to go, Crimson. Keep it up." - After the first core is shut down.
  • "Crimson, your mission's to shut down those computers, but if you see that hingehead, you take him down." - When Miller reports Parg Vol is nearby.
  • "Dammit. Understood, Marine. We'll find him again." - When the Marines reports Vol's position has been lost.
  • "Dalton, you online?"
  • "Miller." - Asking Miller to point the player to Galileo's turrets
  • Well done, Crimson. Now get the other one up-and-running."
  • "You're not clear yet, Crimson. Take 'em down." - When a Hunter pair arrives.
  • "See that, Crimson? Stay sharp!" - When another Phantom arrives.
  • "Doctor Owen? Still with us?"
  • "It's safe to come out now. Get your lab running again, and let's see why the Covies were so interested in Crimson's data."
  • "Miller, I want a report from the Marine who let Parg Vol slip away."

Spartan MountainEdit

  • "Crimson, straight-up rescue op here. You're aiding Mountain Squad, a science attaché that got shot down following your mystery signal. As of last transmission, they're under heavy fire. We'll land you as close as we can, then double-time it to their position."
  • "Miller, paint Mountain's last known for Crimson. And..." (static)
  • (distorted) "Crimson, do you read?"
  • "Crimson, there you are!" - When the signal jammers are destroyed.
  • "Good work pulling Mountain out of the fire."
  • "Crimson, as long as you're there, you can help Mountain complete their mission."
  • "It's a shame Mountain didn't make it. At least you're still on your feet so you can finish their mission for them." - If Mountain Squad was killed.
  • "Infinity Science wants a look inside one of those towers. Get those shields offline while I go round up our resident signal expert."
  • "Wraith on the field. Watch out, Crimson."
  • "Almost there, Crimson. Marking the last bad guys for you now."
  • "Good work, Crimson. Bringing our expert online now. She likes to take charge, but my advice is you ignore her as I'm the one who signs your paychecks. Are you there, Doctor?"
  • "On their way now. Crimson, head for the waypoint. What should they be looking for, Doctor?"
  • "So what do you see?" - When Halsey says she's watching through the Spartans' armor scans.
  • "Miller, light it up." - Referring to a nearby tower.
  • "Crimson, get close. Don't touch anything."
  • (sighs) "Crimson. Do it." - when Halsey suggests activating the structure.
  • "Crimson! Look out!" - As the tower begins powering up.
  • "Doctor Halsey, what the hell is that?" After the tower fires a flare.
  • "Explain." - When Miller says there isn't time to inspect.
  • "Get ready! Covenant drop pods inbound!"
  • "Looks like you've got drop pods headed your way."
  • "Drop pods coming down near your position, Crimson!"
  • "Crimson, fall back to Mountain's Pelican. There should be armaments there to help you. I'll get Dalton on the line, and we'll get back with you momentarily."

Shootout in ValhallaEdit

  • "Crimson! Get those turrets activated! Now!"
  • "I need a proper assessment on enemy forces, Miller."
  • "That'll help, Crimson. Go get the other two." - After the first turret is activated.
  • "Dalton!"
  • "You have that emergency dispatch ready yet?"
  • "Don't bore me with facts, Dalton. Just make it happen."
  • "Where's the cannon fodder, Miller?"
  • "Show us the bad guys, Miller."
  • "Miller, light up the freaks, please."
  • "I think it's time to even the odds. Crimson, here's some new toys. Enjoy." - Deploying Pelicans carrying Mantises.
  • "Crimson, eyes on the sky." - When Miller reports many approaching Covenant aircraft.
  • "Miller, show Crimson their cleanup detail." - After most of the Covenant are killed.
  • "Oh, crap." - When Miller reports a Covenant cruiser approaching Crimson's location.
  • "Dalton! I need a Pelican to extract Crimson. We can leave the Mantis behind."
  • "I need solutions, not excuses, Dalton." - When Dalton reponds that the Pelican wouldn't survive passing the cruiser.
  • "Crimson, hold out just a little longer. Help is on the way." - When Miller reports a solution.
  • "Get ready, Spartans." - When Miller reports more approaching Covenant.
  • "Miller, light up the last few targets."
  • "Fire at will, Captain." - To a frigate engaging the cruiser.
  • "Nice work down there, Crimson. We'll have you a ride home shortly."
  • "Let's see... All right. Scratch that, Crimson. You're not coming home. You're going hunting. I'll be back in touch shortly." - When Miller reports Parg Vol has been located.

Hunting TripEdit

  • "Crimson, we've got a solid line on Parg Vol."
  • "Job's simple: hit Parg Vol's camp hard, leave nothing standing."
  • "Be ready, Crimson."
  • "Take him down, Crimson!"
  • "Great work, Crimson." - After Parg Vol is killed.
  • "Few things make me happier than upsetting the Covenant. Spartans! Ready up." - After Dalton reports Covenant approaching for revenge.
  • "We see them, Dalton. How are we on air support?" - When Dalton reports Phantoms approaching.
  • "Work faster, please." - When Dalton says their air support is currently thin but he's working on increasing it.
  • "Nice work, Crimson." - After Crimson kills Hunters.
  • "I see it, too. Crimson, heavy enemy movement, coming your way. Ready up."
  • "Dalton, Crimson could use some new toys."
  • "Dalton! Where's that air support you promised me?" - As Phantoms arrive.
  • "Same thing, Dalton. Get Crimson some air support and get it to them now."
  • "Dalton! Air support! Now!" - When four Phantoms arrive.
  • "You heard the man, Crimson! Get your asses into some shelter!" - When Dalton reports he's about to airstrike them.
  • "Better late than never, Dalton. Thanks. Now send Crimson a Pelican." - After the Phantoms are destroyed.
  • "Crimson? Damn fine work today. Once you're back to the ship, first round's on me."

Didact's HandEdit

  • "Roland, bring up REQ-153-N."
  • "Please, Roland." - When Roland jokes that she probably wants the footage of the Pelican crash before the crash.
  • "Castle Team just got hit running supplies into Copernicus.
  • "Instead, they found something else." - When Lasky mentions they were looking for the Librarian AI Master Chief encountered.
  • "Yeah. Because Requiem wasn't messed up enough." - When Palmer shows that Castle Team actually ran into Jul 'Mdama.

Hairy CallEdit

  • "Crimson, we're on the hunt for Jul 'Mdama. This hingehead freak's been killing good soldiers on Reqiuem, including the Spartans of Castle team. Today... we're taking the first step towards getting revenge."
  • "Infinity Science has finally figured out why Covenant comm traffic is so low on Requiem. Turns out the Covies are channeling most of their comms through a Forerunner subnet. So with the help of the geeks, we're going to tap their party line and listen in. Miller, show Crimson where to go."
  • "Miller, we need to discuss your fascination with telling Crimson what's shooting at them all the time." - After Miller tells Crimson to keep an eye on the turrets firing at them.
  • "Miller? Status?"
  • "Dalton, why didn't we see these sooner?" - When Covenant drop pods land.
  • "Well done." - One possible response when all the Covenant are killed.
  • "Well played, Crimson." - Another possible response.
  • "You see anything, Crimson?"
  • "Do it. Let's see if the eggheads know what they're talking about."
  • "Get up there, Crimson. I want to hear what the Covenant have to say."
  • "Yeah. Right. Miller, send the comm traffic over to Intel. Crimson, fall back to the extraction point. Good work down there."
  • "Dalton! What the hell? You're usually on it with the airspace policing." - When a Phantom unexpectedly attacks.
  • "Well, figure it out!" - When Dalton reports he doesn't know why he's unable to track the ships.
  • "Commander Palmer to all Fireteams: Be advised that Covenant aircraft may be hiding in plain sight. Don't rely solely on your gear down there. Use your eyes, people."
  • "Great job, Crimson."
  • "Nice, Dalton" - After Dalton reports finding out the location of the Covenant jammer.

Rally PointEdit

  • "Listen up, Spartans. You're both dispatched to locations where Jul 'Mdama is rallying troops. No cute little competitions today. You're on the ground to work." - To Crimson and Majestic, referencing their earlier competition.
  • "Get over there, Crimson! If he's there, this is our chance." - When Miller reports that 'Mdama might be at the waterfront tower.
  • "Majestic, report."
  • "Cause?" - When Miller reports an energy surge from the tower.
  • "Crimson, get ready. No telling what 'Mdama's up to in there."
  • "You're not alone down there, Crimson. Here's the last few bad guys."
  • "Crimson, go have a look."
  • "And now they're gone?"
  • "I'm a mindreader."
  • "Go ahead, Majestic."
  • "Crimson, I want you to get a look at the canyon tower systems. If they're similar to what's at waterfront, you may be able to follow Jul."
  • "Crimson, Phantom inbound."
  • "Phantom headed your way, Spartans."
  • "Eyes up! You've got a Phantom coming your way."
  • "Miller, some days I hate being right all the time."
  • "Can you dial in the coordinates Majestic recovered?"
  • "Fire it up, Crimson."
  • "Use your words, Miller."
  • "They've got portals now. Fantastic. Crimson, get in there, see where it goes. We'll find you on the other end."
  • "Where the hell did Crimson go?"

Random TransportEdit

  • "So where the hell did Crimson go?"
  • "Whoa. OK. Thanks, Roland. Bit of a jump there, Crimson." - After Roland pinpoints Crimson's IFF tags.
  • "Miller, what can we do to clear up the transmission?"
  • "Crimson, I don't know if you can hear me, but you're boxed in. Only way out is through the bad guys."
  • "Much better, Crimson. Miller, now that we can see straight, where's Jul 'Mdama?" - After Crimson activates a relay that clears their communications.
  • "Roland? Clear the channel."
  • "Hey! Protocols, Miller!" - When Miller gives Roland permission to give Crimson waypoints, without Palmer's approval.
  • "Drop pods, coming your way!"
  • "Which did Jul use?" - When Miller reports two portals have powered up.
  • "Show 'em where to go, Miller."
  • "Get ready. Covenant drop pods inbound."
  • "It's turned on. Where's the portal?"
  • "Drop pods, coming your way!"
  • "There's your doorway, Crimson. Get in there."
  • "Get moving, Crimson. We've got a hingehead to chase."

The ChaseEdit

  • "Extrapolate later. Give Miller their loc now. We've got an op to run."
  • "Miller, get me a marker on 'Mdama. I want to know about this Didact's Gift thing, and where he's got it."
  • "Roland, clear the line, please. Let the Spartans talk."
  • "Miller, find Crimson a way through those doors."
  • "What are you even doing?"
  • "Move it, Crimson! Do not let 'Mdama get away!"
  • "Dammit! Don't let them slow you down!" - When Promethean Watchers arrive and deploy turrets.
  • "I need some targeted air strikes, preferably that I can fire at will."
  • "Crimson, keep up pursuit. I'm going to encourage our hingehead to slow his pace a bit."
  • How the hell did he survive that? Slippery son of a-" - After Jul 'Mdama still appears on radar despite having been bombed by an airstrike.
  • "Knights! Take them down."
  • "Well done."
  • "In one piece?"
  • "Crimson, have a look." - After Miller reports that 'Mdama dropped something during his escape.
  • "Don't touch it!"
  • "Commander Palmer to Galileo Base."
  • "Crimson's bringing a package your way. Prep your labs. I want a good look at it before I let it onboard Infinity."
  • "Good work, Crimson. Hang tight. We'll have you a ride to Galileo Base shortly."

The Didact's GiftEdit

  • "Excellent battle analysis, Miller. I'm making a note for your file." - After Miller states that Phantoms mean the Covenant are going to pour out of them.
  • "Wait a second. Why aren't facility defenses online?"
  • "Commander Palmer to Galileo Base. Doctor Owen. Doctor! Your base defenses are offline!"
  • "Freaking eggheads." - After Dr. Owen claims that Dr. Alexander diverted the defenses' power to a mini-reactor
  • "Turn on the base defenses! Now!"
  • "That should help keep the skies clear, but the ground's still your problem, Crimson."
  • "OK, so we know what's going on for once. Dalton, who have we got close?" - After Miller reports what he's overhearing on the Covenant battlenet.
  • "Tell them to saddle up. They're headed to Galileo Base fast as you can get them there. They're picking up a package while Crimson holds down the fort." - When Dalton reports Fireteam Majestic is nearby.
  • "Bullets outweigh science today, Doc." - After Dr. Alexander asks who cut off power to the mini-reactor.
  • "Why is nothing ever simple?" - When Dr. Alexander protests that the reactor must be brought back online or it will meltdown and destroy the base.
  • "Put them down, Crimson!" - When Promethean Knights arrive.
  • "Doctor Owen, prep our prize for transit."
  • "Crimson, you just keep being awesome down there."
  • "I see it, too. Crimson, heavy enemy movement, coming your way. Ready up."
  • "Crimson, clear out all the remaining Promethean targets."
  • "You've still got some Promethean stragglers, Crimson. Take 'em down."
  • "OK. Doctor Owen, you've got a courier coming your way in the form of a Spartan." - When Majestic Team arrives.

Memento MoriEdit

  • "Crimson has the situation on the ground covered. Majestic, get that package off Galileo Base and back to the Infinity pronto!"
  • "It's amusing to see you not have the answer to everything, for once."
  • "What are you really doing?" - When Palmer overhears Halsey talking to Jul 'Mdama.
  • "Who are you talking to?"
  • "You want rude?" - When Halsey calls her rude for stealing her datapad.


  • "I bet they keep you in something a lot smaller than a sandbox from now on, Catherine." - When Halsey is interrogated in Lasky's office.

All The SecretsEdit

  • “Crimson, if battlenet considers that location important, I’d like to know why. Have a look around.”
  • “Handle it, Crimson.” - When the Covenant realizes the Phantom's passengers are Spartans.
  • “Light the way, Miller.” - When Miller reports a nearby comm relay.
  • “Good find. Pass everything we get to Infinity Command.” - When Roland says he can implant a "worm" to hack the Covenant's computers.
  • “I love it. Make it happen.”
  • "Where’s my last target, Miller?"
  • “Explain.” - When Roland expresses worry.
  • "Phantom on approach!"
  • "Should or will?" - When Roland says disabling the two terminals should cancel the lockdown.
  • “I’ll take it. Crimson, destroy those terminals and take out any Covenant resistance in the way. - When Roland gives her a 90% chance of success.
  • "Hunters!"
  • “Thieving freaks! Crimson, see if you can find anything useful.” - If Crimson hadn’t discovered the stolen UNSC equipment at the beginning of the level
  • "Eyes up! Covenant inbound!"
  • “Excellent work, Crimson. Sorry I’ve been away for a bit, but it looks like Miller has things well in hand. I’m going to review the data we’re pulling down and I’ll be back in touch with you shortly.”

Need To KnowEdit

  • “Crimson, the data collected from those Covie computers has tipped us off to a central intel center. I’d like you to poke around.”
  • "Look at that. Little jerks are sleeping on the job. Quick and quiet, Crimson. Get the drop on them." - Regarding Grunts sleeping around the area.
  • “Looks like we get to do this the old fashion way, Spartans. Run-and-gun.”
  • “That’s all of them.”
  • “It’s quiet... I don’t like it when it’s quiet.”
  • “Active camo. Keep your guard up, Crimson.”
  • “Crimson, looks like flipping the switch got you a bit more than you asked for, but I’m sure you can handle it. Stay the course and find that intel.”
  • “All right. Let’s see what the Covenant are up to.”
  • “Excellent. Run it through translation and give me the highlights. Crimson, time to catch your ride out of there.”
  • “Doing good, Crimson. What’ve we got, Miller?”
  • “We have got to get these guys a new hobby.” - When Miller reports the Covenant are digging for artifacts.
  • “Contact Switchback’s operator. Let ‘em know I want eyes on that dig.”
  • “Murphy, we’re gonna borrow a little more of your time.”
  • “Excellent work, everyone. Murphy, set a course for the supply depot. Crimson, ready up and reload. This day’s not over yet.”

Search and DestroyEdit

  • “Fireteam Switchback, you’re on Covenant dig detail. Miller’s sending you the coordinates now.”
  • “Crimson, your job is to take out these Covie plasma stockpiles. Lots of explosions. Should be good fun.”
  • “Weapons hot!”
  • “Crimson, take that hill!”
  • "No extra credit for getting ahead of yourself. Just make sure you get all of the targets." - If Crimson destroys a stockpile that has not been marked yet
  • “Not exactly subtle, Crimson, but you get the job done. Now let’s do it a few more times.”
  • “Really? Let’s take a look. Crimson, I’d appreciate it if you taught the Covies that our toys don’t belong to them.”
  • “Let’s get a proper inventory.”
  • "Have we got it all figured out down there? I suppose you can find your own way home too." - If Crimson destroys the stockpiles out of order.
  • "That's what I like to see. Alright, since you're all about overachieving, let's see what else is on the menu."
  • “Excellent job, everyone!”
  • “Find some cover!”
  • "Neutralize all targets."
  • “Miller, mop up the last of the ground forces. Then let’s see if they’ve hidden anything inside that central structure.”
  • “Have a look around. There has to be some way to open this tin can up.”
  • "Setting a waypoint."
  • “Careful, Crimson.”
  • “Roll on, Crimson.”
  • "Spit it out.” - When Miller muses to himself about Crimson's sensors.
  • Miller, let’s see if they’ve hidden anything inside that central structure.”
  • “Check your corners, folks.” - When Stealth Elites attack.
  • "Glad I don't have to clean up after you, Crimson. Messy but effective."
  • “Tell me that’s not what I think it is.” - When finding stolen nukes.
  • “Miller, send down a disposal team.”
  • “Go ahead, Switchback.” - When Fireteam Switchback calls for backup.
  • “Crimson, you’re the closest responder. Fall out and help Switchback.”


  • “Dalton, a little air support, please?”
  • “Miller, any luck reaching Switchback Leader?”
  • “Crimson, track those IFFs. Either bring Switchback back home, or collect the heads of the Covies responsible!”
  • “But there’s no one here. No record. Not even a body...” - When an IFF tag is found.
  • “Ok, this is weird. Keep looking, Crimson.”
  • “We have four blank IFFs and zero bodies. What am I not understanding, Miller? Crimson, keep an eye out for any other signs of Switchback, and make sure the Covenant don’t reactivate the Harvester.”
  • “Let’s invite the Covies out to play. Just need something big and explosive to get their attention.”
  • “That’ll do. Crimson, light it up!”
  • “Prepare a welcoming party, Crimson.”
  • “Miller, where’s the control center?”
  • “Make sure it can’t be brought back to life, Crimson.”
  • “Enthusiasm, Crimson. I like it. Fall out. Murphy, prep for pick up.”
  • “Nothing Crimson can’t handle.”
  • “Mop up the last of them.”
  • “Crimson, get to the LZ. We’ll figure out this Switchback thing once you’re home.”
  • “Good to hear. Still, what the hell happened to Switchback? We’re missing something.”

Invasion (Spartan Ops)Edit

  • "Hold the line! Nothing gets past!" - When Prometheans teleport into Infinity's hangar.
  • "Kind of busy, Captain!" - When Lasky asks her to report.
  • "Knights are phasing through the artifact!"
  • "Don't worry, we'll keep them contained in the hangar."


  • “Commander Palmer to all Spartan fireteams. Infinity has been boarded! Every fireteam that can hear this transmission fallback to Infinity and help with defense! Palmer out.”

Home FieldEdit

  • "[static] -watch your flank, Marine! I know you’re not a Spartan! Spartans shoot straight!”
  • “Miller, is that you?”
  • “Nice job. Whole ship’s been silent the last few.”
  • [distorted] Miller, I’m en route to Captain Lasky’s position, but comms are still choppy. Can you reach it?”


  • "Found him, Roland. ...Dr. Halsey too. Still alive?" - Referring to Lasky.
  • "Maybe a little." - When Lasky asks if she has any concerns.
  • "Slipspace isn't physical. It can't hold-"
  • "You; quiet! You were supposed to fix this whole thing days ago." - To Halsey, when the scientist disagrees with her.
  • "It was a smash and grab. They came here just for her!" - When a Promethean Knight kidnaps Halsey.

Unfinished BusinessEdit

  • "Miller, I'm back. Status?"
  • "Do like the man said, Crimson."
  • "Eyes sharp, Crimson."
  • "Shut it down."
  • "Good work, Crimson."
  • "Let's get to it."
  • "Nicely done."
  • "Then let's clean up these Covenant and-"
  • "I see it! Thanks, Dalton. Crimson, ready up!"
  • "Nicely done. Miller, we set for the babysitters?" - Referring to Fireteam Lancer.
  • "Crimson, mark a landing area for Lancer."
  • "Nice work, Crimson. Take 'em out and prep for extraction."
  • "I missed it. Educate me."
  • "Covies don't use Morse code." - When Miller says the strange frequency sent an SOS call.
  • "That's the last one. Let's head home. Dalton, Crimson's ride ready?"
  • "That can be arranged, DeMarco. Ready for more, Crimson? Let's go give Majestic a hand."

Majestic RescueEdit

  • “Majestic, hang tight. We’re about to deal with your artillery trouble.”
  • “Don’t be paranoid, Miller.” - When Miller says the Covenant knew they're coming.
  • “Lined up in a neat little row for you, Crimson. They make it too easy.”
  • “Power source, huh? Try hitting the conduit, Crimson!” - When told the nearby conduits are powering the artillery's shields.
  • “I’m no scientist, but I’d say that did something.”
  • “Keep hitting the conduit, Crimson!”
  • “But that artillery is still firing.” - After the first conduit is destroyed.
  • “So if Crimson hits the other conduit...”
  • “All right, one down! Hit the rest of the emplacements, Crimson.”
  • "Stay on their heels, Crimson."
  • "Crimson! Fall back before that gun tries to fire again!"
  • “Just one, DeMarco. Relax.” - When asked how many artillery guns are left.
  • “They wanna go down with the ship? Sink ‘em.”
  • “Could be a coincidence...” - When told the Covenant massed at the final artillery just after Crimson was told to go to it.
  • “Not a coincidence, is it?”
  • “Phantoms near Crimson’s location, Commander.”
  • “That's two. Fallback. Secure the LZ so Murphy can pull you out of there.”
  • “Miller, bring Crimson home.”
  • “Phantom on approach. Find some cover!”
  • “Acknowledged, Lancer. Spartans, looks like there’s one more quick job before you get to come home.” - When Fireteam Lancer calls for help.


  • “Good find, Lancer. Crimson’s happy to help.”
  • “Crimson, secure the area. Miller-”
  • “Unless you’ve got a solution to that mystery I need you focused on bringing down the generators.” - When Miller reports the SOS again.
  • "Phantom on approach."
  • “Take him out, Crimson!” - When told a specific Elite is controlling the active camo on the generators.
  • “Crimson, kindly exercise extreme force on those shield generators.”
  • “Lancer, Crimson’s got point. Follow them into the caves.” - When the shields fall.
  • “Get their attention, Crimson. Maybe they’ll come out to play.”
  • “Crimson, clear out the Covies, but keep your eyes open.”
  • “Depends on how good the info is.” - When the Marines report a wounded Elite offering information if they let him live.
  • “Listening post? That would explain how they’ve seen us coming recently. Fine. Have Poker check it out, then make the deal.” - When the Elite offers the location of a Covenant listening post.
  • “Covenant and Prometheans inbound! Hold your ground and clear this position before moving on.”
  • “Spartan Gale, where’s Spartan Costabile?” - When Fireteam Switchback reports in.
  • “Understood, Spartan. What do you say we return the favor?” - When told their Spartan is being held prisoner.
  • “Clear the ground and we can get you out of there, Crimson!”
  • “Time to go, Spartans! Head for the exit.”
  • “Crimson, great work with Lancer. You guys brought Switchback home and that is damn good work, folks.”

Halo: Spartan AssaultEdit

  • "So I killed Merg Vol and we all went home? Is that the official version these days? Ha. You ought to see what came next."
  • "The transmission was Davis's call for help, just before he died. That planet was made to build things out of galactic material. And it tried to build something out of what was left of Davis. I shut it down. Spartan Davis was my friend, and a damn good soldier. He deserves better than to be wiped out of our training records."

Halo: InitiationEdit

  • "I only did what needed doing. What I was trained to do." - Palmer to Jun-A266 on rescuing Admiral Kovalic
  • "Soldiers don't act like they're smarter than me just because it took them eight years longer to get out of school." - Palmer on why she's disrespectful towards doctors.
  • "Big robot-looking guys. They stomp around the battlefield, kicking everyone's ass and making the rest of us feel inadequate." - Palmer's initial description of Spartans.