
ODST (player character)

This article documents its subject as it pertains to the gameplay of the Halo games, rather than the lore.
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This article is about the playable characters. For other articles including "ODST", see ODST (disambiguation).
H3ODST AlphaNine Kikowani.jpg
Gameplay role


Player (Human)

Unit type:


Character stats




Orbital Drop Shock Troopers are the player characters of Halo 3: ODST.

Universe and loreEdit

Main article: Alpha-Nine
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Main article: First-person shooter

For the first time in the series, players control Orbital Drop Shock Troopers as opposed to Spartans or Elites. Unlike prior games where ODSTs were based off of Marine ai, the player controlled ODSTs have similar gameplay to that of player characters from Halo 3. Regenerating stamina replaces energy shields, functioning essentially the same but with different material properties. Health packs make a return and health no longer regenerates. Aside from having minor statistical differences from Spartans such as a lower jump height and slower movement speed, ODSTs are incapable of dual wielding or using equipment outside of mods and special gametype settings. Instead troopers have VISR mode, allowing enhanced vision in low light environments and access to mission intel, including an overhead map. While not inherently a character trait, the melee damage for many weapons were reduced to facilitate the fantasy that in Halo 3: ODST players are controlling a regular human weaker than the Master Chief.

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Halo 3: ODSTEdit

ODST (player)
Player stats

Run speed:

1.85 wu/s

Character stats

Body vitality:


Body material (?):


Shield vitality:

5s delay, 3s recharge

Shield material (?):

Generic: energy_shield_thin

Specific: energy_shield_thin_player

Jump velocity:

2.6 wu/s


vehicle use (hijacking), grenades, melee (detach turrets), VISR, binoculars

Tag name(s) (?):

  • odst_recon[1]
  • odst_oni_op_player[2]

Campaign and FirefightEdit

Halo 3: ODST allows players to control one of many named Orbital Drop Shock Troopers. The campaign follows Alpha-Nine and its most recent member Jonathan Doherty, referred to in game as "The Rookie", as he searches for clues to uncover the whereabouts of his squad. Players will primarily experience gameplay through his perspective, and upon finding clues shift to that squad member's perspective during a flashback sequence. Each campaign mission will have players start with their character's preferred weapons while most firefight maps have players start with the M7S Silenced SMG and M6C/SOCOM Automag by default. Windward differs by replacing the default Silenced SMG with the Sniper Rifle. All members of Alpha-Nine can be selected as customization for use in firefight, most with the option to remove their helmet. There are no statistical gameplay differences between squad members.

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Jonathan Doherty M7S SMG M6C/SOCOM

Rookie is the main playable protagonist during the campaign missions Prepare To Drop, Mombasa Streets, Data Hive, and Coastal Highway. He is unlocked by default for firefight and has no helmetless option. Rookie is used as the default appearance of ODSTs, having minimal armor attachments such as ammo pouches and a backpack. Each mission Rookie will start with the Silenced SMG and Automag equipped, with the exception of Mombasa Streets where the player's previously equipped weapons are retained between activating and completing flashback sequences. When playing any campaign mission cooperatively players 2 through 4 will always play as unnamed ODSTs sharing the same appearance as Rookie.

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Edward Buck MA5C assault rifle M6C/SOCOM
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Taylor Miles M6/R Spartan Laser M7S SMG
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Michael Crespo M41 SPNKr M7S SMG
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Kojo Agu SRS99D-S2 AM sniper rifle M6C/SOCOM
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Veronica Dare M7S SMG M6C/SOCOM
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Avery Johnson M7S SMG M6C/SOCOM
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Production notesEdit

  • All playable ODSTs share the same character model with the exception of Dare, who uses a unique feminine model. The models load different region permutations to make up the different actor variants. These variants are sergeant (Buck), romeo, mickey, dutch, odst01 (Rookie), and johnson. Interestingly despite having the exact same appearance as Rookie, the three additional co-op appearances are saved as their own unique variants named odst02, odst03, and odst04 respectively.[3]

List of appearancesEdit


  1. ^ Halo 3: ODST Editing Kit, game file tags\objects\characters\odst_recon\odst_recon.biped
  2. ^ Halo 3: ODST Editing Kit, game file tags\objects\characters\odst_oni_op\odst_oni_op_player.biped
  3. ^ Halo 3: ODST Editing Kit, game file tags\objects\characters\odst_recon\odst_recon.model