
Content Update 32

July Update

Start date:

July 30, 2024

Includes content for:

Halo Infinite


The July Update is a content update for Halo Infinite, launched on July 30, 2024.[1]

Season ContentEdit

General overviewEdit

  • New armors
  • New weapon models for BR75 battle rifle, M392 Bandit, and VK78 Commando
  • Earnable Post-match Spartan Points
  • Sandbox tuning
    • Damage Over Time effect to the Disruptor
    • Fragmentation, Plasma, and Spike grenades have increased impulse, allowing Grenade jumping
    • Rework on the Unbound Plasma Pistol and the Ravager Rebound
    • Ravager and Sentinel Beam damage are increased
    • Riven Mangler's rate of fire increased
    • Impact Commando bloom reduced
    • Skewer reload speed increased
    • Volatile Skewer reload speed and damage are increased
    • Stalker Rifle Ultra rate of fire and damage are increased
    • Increased max reserve ammo for the CQS48 Bulldog, M41 SPNKr, and S7 sniper rifle
    • Ghost's reverse and lateral speed are decreased
    • Banshee's resistance, damage, and bomb launcher's speed are increased
  • Two new gamemodes: VIP and Headhunter
  • Quality of life improvements
    • Forge updates
      • Halo Infinite's soundtrack accessible to players
      • Over 1,000 of Jeff Steitzer's voice lines accessible to players
      • VIP Mode Nodes
      • Infection and VIP armor effects available for Custom Games
      • New Text Strings and Message Templates
      • New Navigation markers nodes
      • Quick Play playlist split into two separate playlists: one for Husky Raid/VIP/Slayer variants, and another for Objective modes
    • 84 Armor Coatings, 40 Weapon Coatings, and 16 Vehicle Coatings from past seasons updated to be crosscore.

Content overviewEdit

General CustomizationEdit

  • 4 Nameplates & Emblems: 10, 11, 12, Emile Skull
  • 6 Armor Coatings: Burn Scar, Flesh and Blood, Rising Flame, Silent Forest, Sketch Factor, War Ravaged
  • 4 Weapon Coatings: Ambitions Pride, Crimson Snowfall, Falling Flame, Solar Winds
  • 1 Mythic Effect: Uncanny Energies
  • 4 Weapon Models: CMA VK78 (VK78 Commando), Nine Bows BR (BR75 battle rifle), Reavian Claw (BR75 battle rifle), Solar Bandit (M292 Bandit)
  • 45,000 Spartan Points

Mark VII coreEdit

  • 4 Helmets: Achilles, Emissary, Magister, Sovereign Spear
  • 4 Helmet Attachments: Magister's Might, Sovereign Crest, Victors' Crest, Warmaster's Mandate
  • 4 Shoulder Pads: Achilles' Pauldron, Emissary Pauldron, Magister's Mantle, Sovereign Host
  • 4 Chests: Achilles' Breastplate, Emissary Heartplate, Magister's Seal, Sovereign Badge
  • 2 Knee pads: Emissary Kneeguard, Sovereign Guard
  • 2 Wrist: Achilles' Protection, Magister's Locution
  • 4 Utilities: Achilles' Plate, Emissary Belt, Magister's Blade, Sovereign Petal

Mark V[B] coreEdit

  • 3 Helmets: Haunted, Military Police, Operator
  • 5 Helmet Attachments: Abyssal Messenger, RS/B5D-O, TAS/Hyas, UA/Type B5, UA/Type SN
  • 3 Shoulder Pads: Fateful Finds, SAP/OSPA, UTIL/RP Prototype Factor One
  • 3 Chests: Charon Terminal, UA/Eloric, UTIL/SCYTALE
  • 2 Wrists: Graveside Marker, UTIL/ARP Prototype Factor Two
  • 1 Knee pad: UA/Type OST
  • 3 Utilities: BattleBuddy XP, Entropic Display, UTIL/SF Belt

Yoroi coreEdit

  • 1 Helmet: Jingasa
  • 1 Helmet Atachment: Oni Mengu
  • 1 Shoulder Pad: Scented Clasp
  • 1 Chest: Warded Scales
  • 1 Wrist: Lacquered Waspshell
  • 1 Utility: Ichor Flask


Please see the respective operations pages for their Operation Passes.
List of Operations
Season Operation Content Duration
20-Tier Operation Pass with exclusive customization options for the Mark V[B] armor core 30 July 2024 - 3 September 2024
20-Tier Operation Pass with exclusive customization options for the Mark VII armor core 3 September 2024 - 8 October 2024
Haloween 20-Tier Operation Pass with exclusive customization options 8 October 2024 - 5 November 2024



  1. ^ Halo Waypoint, VIP |Halo Infinite (Retrieved on Jul 23, 2024) [archive]