
Halo Infinite skulls

This article is about the gameplay modifiers in Halo Infinite. For other uses, see Skull.

Skulls are game modifiers featured in Halo Infinite with the appearance of a human skull.

How to find themEdit

There are twelve skulls in total and a majority of these can be found whilst exploring the open world, whereas a select few can only be collected during specific campaign main missions.[1]

Campaign skullsEdit


Behold, the Temple of Boom. Doubles explosion radius.

Level: Warship Gbraakon

How to unlock: Can only be collected during The Warship Gbraakon mission.

Notes: Upon reaching the section of the level with a vast two floor hall, and three freight lifts located on the right. Use the middle lift to rise above the adjacent crate located on the right and the skull will be visible.


Because we needed more Cowbell. Acceleration from explosions is increased.

Level: Foundation

How to unlock: Can only be collected during the Foundation mission.

Notes: Upon reaching the section of the level with a window drawing your attention to a blue orb in the distance, proceed to you right, and then use the grapple hook to climb the pillars and reach the angular structure located on the ceiling. The skull is located here.


Because it wasn't hard enough. Enemies have increased health.
Mythic skull

Level: The Command Spire

How to unlock: Can only be collected during The Command Spire mission.

Notes: Upon reaching the section of the level where the hexagonal materials are passing through energy barriers horizontally, proceed through the barriers until an open section where the hexagonal materials are being adorned with Forerunner markings and begin to change direction. Proceed to grapple up onto the material, and then immediately grapple up into the opening in the ceiling and enter the doorway and follow this until you reach the room with the skull.

Grunt Birthday PartyEdit

Maybe it's the methane? Grunt headshots lead to glorious celebrations.
Grunt Birthday skull

Level: Repository

How to unlock: Can only be collected during The Repository mission.

Notes: Upon reaching the section of the level where the terminal is located, once activated, a hardlight bridge will activate to the leading to the other side of the room, where Banished forces will engage you. Dispose of these, then return to the doorway that led you to the terminal. On your right, the doorway will have unlocked, proceed through here and collect the Power seed. Return to the room with the terminal, and on the opposite side of the room to where you enter is another doorway, proceed through there and in the room, place the power seed in the terminal. Once The Weapon points out the Silent Auditorium, there will be two large halls with doors leading both left and right. In the middle of the second hall, there will be an angular piece drawing your eyes upward, and in between two Sentinel emitters, there will be a glass window now open. Dispose of the five Stealth Elites to collect the skull.


We did say Infinite. Grants unlimited weapon ammo and grenades, and removes equipment cooldown.
Bandana skull

Level: Silent Auditorium

How to unlock: Can only be collected during The Silent Auditorium mission.

Notes: To unlock the door to the room containing this skull, no Sentinels can be killed before claiming the skull. The room itself can be found near the end of the level within the hallway area with statues located on your left. After activating a light bridge, cross the bridge, and instead of heading left towards your objective, go straight ahead and through the door to find the skull.


Promotions for everybody. Upgrades the rank of most enemies.
Thunderstorm skull

Level: The Sequence mission, but can be collected after in open world.

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world and The Sequence mission.

Notes: Proceed to the northern most Beacon tower that also overlooks the island with the Banished AA guns. Proceed to the hexagonal columns to the west of the beam emitter and atop one standing alone from the others is the skull.


They could be anywhere. Disables motion tracker.
Fog skull

Location: Open world of Zeta Halo, found west of FOB Alpha.

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world.

Notes: Proceed from FOB Alpha along the outer edge of the island within the hexagonal columns of the ring.


Great for shooting photos, bad for shooting enemies. HUD and weapon do not display onscreen.
Blind skull

Location: Found south of Ransom Keep

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world.

Notes: South of Ransom Keep will be a canyon between two mountains that eventually opens into space. Further down the gap will be a rock joining the two mountains together with a dead marine on it, jump down the gap until you land on hexagonal structures. The skull can be found hidden in between some of the structures.

IWHBYD (I Would Have Been Your Daddy)Edit

Did they really just say that? Rare combat dialogue becomes more common.
IWHBYD skull

Location: Found atop the Tower.

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world.

Notes: Climb atop the Tower to collect the skull.


I'm out! Weapons dropped by enemies have half the ammo they normally would.
Famine skull

Level: The Sequence mission, but can be collected after in open world.

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world and The Sequence mission.

Notes: Proceed to the eastern most Beam emitter. On a small piece of land floating east of this emitter is a dead elite with the skull.

Black EyeEdit

Better get punchy. Your shields only recharge when you melee enemies.

Level: The Sequence mission, but can be collected after in open world.

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world and The Sequence mission.

Notes: Proceed to the waterfall, north of the southern most Beam emitter. Enter the small cave behind the waterfall and atop a log is the skull.


Hold these for us. Enemies throw and drop more grenades.
Catch skull

Location: Open world of Zeta Halo, found on the most northern island past Outpost Tremonius.

How to unlock: Can only be collected after access to the open world.

Notes: Proceed to the island north of Outpost Tremonius, and in a canyon with two Hunters the skull can be found in a tree stump full of helmets.


  1. ^ YouTube - Halo Canon, Halo Infinite Skull Locations Guide Halo Infinite Collectibles: Skull locations on Halo Infinite (Retrieved on Dec 8, 2021)