Halo Wars 2Edit

  • Unique Units: Sunray 1-1 (Hero unit)
  • Tier 1 Leader Powers
    • Restoration Drones I: Units and buildings within area are healed.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 200
      • Power Cost: 50
      • Cooldown: 160 seconds
    • Restoration Drones II: Increases power of Restoration drones
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 350
      • Power Cost: 125
      • Cooldown: 160 seconds
    • Restoration Drones III: Increases power of Restoration drones
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 400
      • Power Cost: 150
      • Cooldown: 160 seconds
    • Scatter Bomb I: Drops a scattered salvo of bombs.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 350
      • Power Cost: 275
      • Cooldown: 165 seconds
    • Scatter Bomb II: Increases damage and number of bombs fired by Scatter Bomb
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 450
      • Power Cost: 450
      • Cooldown: 165 seconds
  • Tier 2 Leader Powers
    • Bunker Drop I: Activate to drop a garrisonable bunker. Costs population. Can hold up to 3 infantry squads.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 400
      • Power Cost: N/A
      • Cooldown: 90 seconds
    • Bunker Drop II: Increases garrison capacity by 1 and adds an energy shield.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 500
      • Power Cost: N/A
      • Cooldown: 90 seconds
    • Remote Sensors: Structures and captured points have increased line of sight.
  • Tier 3 Leader Powers
    • ODST Drop: Drops three ODST squads into battle.
      • Population Cost: 12
      • Supply Cost: 800
      • Power Cost: N/A
      • Cooldown: 180 seconds
    • Pelican Transport: Transports own units anywhere in range.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: N/A
      • Power Cost: 100
      • Cooldown: 100 Seconds
    • Pelican Transport II: Transports own units anywhere in range.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: N/A
      • Power Cost: N/A
      • Cooldown: 100 Seconds
  • Tier 4 Leader Powers
    • Mech Overcharge I: For a short time, all mechs the player control become invulnerable and receive a speed boost.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 500
      • Power Cost: 200
      • Cooldown: 180 seconds
    • Mech Overcharge II: Increases the duration of the power and speed boost.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 700
      • Power Cost: 300
      • Cooldown: 180 seconds
    • Holographic Decoy I: Targets own units. Creates decoys of affected units. Decoys can be used to scout and trick enemy Turrets and units.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: TBA
      • Power Cost: TBA
      • Cooldown: 110 seconds
    • Holographic Decoy II: Decoys last longer.
      • Population Cost: N/A
      • Supply Cost: 350
      • Power Cost: 75
      • Cooldown: 110 seconds
  • Tier 5 Leader Powers
    • Grizzly Battalion: G77S Pelicans drops off three veteran Grizzlies.
      • Population Cost: 33
      • Supply Cost: 2,740
      • Power Cost: 450
      • Cooldown: 330 seconds