Dekum[Note 1] is a planet located in the colony network of worlds settled by humanity.[1]


Known residentsEdit


During the Human-Covenant War, the planet was home to a United Nations Space Command military base which had a stockpile of Covenant Anskum-pattern plasma grenades, captured from a Covenant supply vessel. It is unknown whether Dekum itself was attacked by the Covenant during the war. While stationed on the base, some of the military personnel got drunk and were playing with the plasma grenades, inadvertently causing a detonation that killed several nearby civilians including the parents of the future-New Colonial Alliance member Bostwick. Bostwick directly blamed the UNSC's negligence for her parents' death, and used this event as justification for her insurrectionist leanings - especially once the troops involved were only given a light slap on the wrist as punishment, and Bostwick a simple letter for an apology. In response, Bostwick assembled a cadre of other orphans with the UNSC to blame, and began to radicalise - until coming into contact with Maya Sankar, who attempted to guide her into a better path.[1]

List of appearancesEdit


  1. ^ This world's name is mentioned in character dialogue in the audio drama Hunt the Truth. As no official transcript exists for Hunt the Truth, the precise spelling of the planet's name is unclear, and a best estimate is provided on this page.
