Rusty-112's board

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posted 11 years ago

Never mind. Jugus did it. :)

posted 11 years ago

Hey Rusty,

Can you copy everything under "Censor tmp" (except those under Inactive styles) and place it in MediaWiki:Common.css? It's part of Template:Censor. Once you done so, check it out in action in Project:sandbox.

posted 12 years ago

Congratulations on being the 25th administrator of Halopedia!

A few notes just to keep everything in check:

  • Remember that no one is above and beyond the site's rules and policies. This includes administrators and bureaucrats. If they do something that contravenes the site's rules and policies, inform them on their talk page instead of on their message board.
  • You've obtained cabal-istic powers. Follow the guidelines on how to use them properly (e.g. blocking guidelines on blocking a user).
  • There are a lot of archetypes in the administration team. Check out the Almighty Janitor, The Last DJ, Big Brother Mentor, Obstructive Bureaucrat, A Father to His Men, Authority equals Asskicking (avoid at all cost!).
  • Try to engage the community. While a lax community is not really a crippling issue, it can be a boring place if no one talks to one another. Also, the wiki receives tons of lurkers everyday. Promote the Community project!
posted 12 years ago

Lol you actually beat me to the punch by creating the article. I was planning on doing it, then I saw that you had already created it. I guess you could say "were even" now lol.

posted 12 years ago

Lol sorry, it took me along time to do it XD. By the way, do you think we should add credits for the original game or just tell readers that those can be found on the CE Credits page?

posted 12 years ago

I have a question: Is this enough proof for you:

posted 13 years ago

on the anniversary features thing.... What about a FLOOD firefight map?????!! eh? eh? crazy right?

posted 13 years ago

I'm not using translate Online, i'm still not fluently enough at English though.. I write what's come from my mind.. Not from translating..

posted 13 years ago

That's a pretty kickass emblem you got there.

posted 13 years ago

Hello Rusty! As you may know, I am trying to eliminate the levelname template from the wiki. By my estimate, there are over 400 pages with the levelname template on it, so if you would help me in the mass elimination of it, I would appreciate it.