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Template:Character Infobox Forthencho, the Lord of Admirals was a human senior naval officer who served during the Human-Forerunner war in 109,000 BCE.[1]


During humanity's conflict with the Flood and their simultaneuous war with the Forerunners, he attempted in vain to convince the human government to draw the Flood back into the galaxy as a weapon against the Forerunners. Ultimately, he was overruled by Yprin Yprikushma‎ and remained bitter about the decision seeing the Flood could have been humanity's best hope of prolonging the war.

As humanity fell back to their capital world Charum Hakkor, Forthencho commanded the forces protecting the planet, including 10 stations and 40 "prime cruisers." After the humans' defeat in the final battle of Charum Hakkor, he was captured along with many of the warriors under his command. In the subsequent interrogations, he denied the Forerunners the information that would lead them to successfully defeat the Flood again. Eventually, his physical self was executed, though his memories and neural patterns were harvested by the Librarian, who had use for them in her future plans.

Forthencho was an ancestor of the chamanune Chakas and his archived personality imprint was implanted in the young human's mind through a geas over 9,000 years after his death. This only became apparent after Chakas witnessed the destruction of Charum Hakkor's Precursor artifacts and learned of the the relocation of The Timeless One. Despite his mistrust and hatred of the Forerunners in his decendant's time for "devolving them like animals", he noted to Chakas that he had felt a deep respect for a Warrior-Servant and his main rival during the war, The Didact. Despite this, he attempted through Chakas to use the Halo used by Mendicant Bias to destroy the Forerunners.


List of appearances


  1. ^ Halo: Primordium, page 53