Sangheili General
8 article edits
Basic info

Kelvi Tyrone March




October 8, 2011

Recent activity
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"Noooooooooo,that sucks! Then I'll collect for the both of us."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"Oh Zusatee your lucky you have me as a friend,because there is more than..."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"I can't wait for the next Karren Travis novel either I love her Gears of..."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"I didn't lose my enthusiasm for Halo I just forgot my login.As for Prome..."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"Hey Zusatee I just wanted to say hey since I haven'y been on in forever."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"Nothing much just playing Halo as usual."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"So how you been friend?"
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"The only sangheili I have are from Halo reach,and yes they are addictive..."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"Cool I've been interested in it for a while now.As for figurines I assum..."
Sent a message to Neme 'Zusatee
"So your a female Halo fan? That's cool."
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About me

Welcome to my profile page people I am Sangheili General and I've been playing Halo for a couple of years.I'm a big fan of the series and I really like the aliens in the series,my favorite species is the Sangheili.The reason I love them so much is because of their design and the way they are.Next to playing the series I also read the books,and collect the figures.As for my skills in Halo I'm a pretty good player the best thing about me is when I play elite slayer.When I play it I become a good player.I'm probably the best elite player I know.

Hobbies & interests

Step brothers,blades of glory,the other guys,the slammin salmon,taledega nights,and to many others to list. I refuse to reveal this info. None. The halo series and gears of war series. Halo,Gears of war,overlord,left 4 dead,darksiders,wwe games,splinter cell conviction,mortal kombat,and many others. Gaminformer Pizza,cheeseburger's,hot pocket's,fish,cereal,oatmeal,snowballs,chocolate honey bun's,and many other's. Mountain dew,sprite,root beer,and cheerwine.

Favorite Halo moment

I was playing invasion on spire,and these two spartans decide to try and capture our point.So I came behind one of them and hit him with the "Sparta kick assassination".As for the other spartan my fellow teamates killed him.:)

Worst Halo moment

I was playing with one of my friends who invited some of his friend's and every time I respawned they assassinated me.

Anything else

I'm upset I don't have the Sangheili Officer armor.No matter how high I level up I will alway's be a Sangheili General.Half the time when I find a game I'm the only Sangheili,the one Halo reach figure I really want is the Sangheili General.I'm also the best at elite slayer.I have six halo figures looking to increase that number.

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Unfortunately the department stores here (Australia) have mostly stopped stocking the action figures, or only have a very few from early series, so they're hard to get now. (I don't like the Megabloks much either.) It's one of the very few reasons that living down here can be a bit frustrating!


Karen's "Wesshar Wars" original series is worth reading too (6 books). The game shop where I bought Halo figures closed a few months ago, so they are now really hard to get! I guess I will stop collecting them :/


Oh, OK :). I'm still looking forward to the next Karen Traviss novel and Halo 4. Prometheus does have some issues with the plot, but it looks awesome and is still worth seeing!


Hi SG, I haven't been on much either - lost a bit of enthusiasm. I saw "Prometheus" recently - have you seen it?


Spending too much time on the Internet as usual! How about you?