As well as splitting up the planets location, actual physical description and the description of what faction occupies it and in what capacity it does so into separate sections, how is also adding a section detailing any significant and important infrastructure and installations that the world may have? (Also added would be the world's nature as either being a faction's homeworld or colony, the date it was founded (This one is only really applicable for a colony) and what the world's main function was usually regarded as.) An example below:
|name= |image= Location |star, position= Physical Description |moon(s)= |satellite(s)= |diameter= |gravity= |daylength= |yearlength= |atmosphere= |temperature= |composition= |adjective= Affiliation |species= |population= |nature= (Homeworld or colony) |date founded= |principle function= (E.g agriculture, economic, cultural, military, industrial, leisure, etc) |societal approximation= |government= |technology tier= |current threat to array= Notable Infrastructure (???) |government= (E.g. HIGHCOM Bravo-6, FLEETCOM HQ, etc) |industrial= (E.g. Shipyards, Armories, orbital tethers etc) |commercial= (E.g. Traxus, Asklon, etc)
-Anton1792 16:28, 4 October 2011 (EDT)