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We wish you the best of luck, and hope you have fun editing the wiki!

Avoid making multiple edits

Preview is your friend. :) — subtank 17:58, 17 May 2011 (EDT)

Thanks for the tip! :) I'll definitely keep that in mind. :) Xamikaze330

Wouldn't you?...

Wouldn't you rather edit on a nicer Stargate Wiki where they would appreciate your work? 04:10, 18 August 2011 (EDT)

I most certainly would be on that, but as it so happens, must of my work has already been done on [1], and even then, this Stargate Wiki you posted, while it is much nicer, it is not like Halopedia--I don't know how to begin uploading new images to this, not to mention some of the pages here are lacking information. But, when I feel I should help this one out, then maybe I will. Xamikaze330 12:30, 18 August 2011 (EDT)Xamikaze330
Wouldn't you want to be part of this, its pretty obvious that my wiki is going to eclipse the one on wikia soon enough. The bureaucrat on the wikia one doesn't care in the slightest about your efforts to help out and is quite happy to ignore everyone. 01:21, 26 August 2011 (EDT)
And so I'm beginning to notice that. I am strongly considering becoming a part of the better Stargate Wiki ( Though some users say my images are a welcome addition, others seem to not really appreciate what I'm doing, all the great images I've been contributing. Things are going to have to change soon. And yes, you are right--Halopedia ( has already easily eclipsed Halo Nation wiki, though I still put some effort into Halo Nation, simply because others have submitted images that are clearly done by myself, but has been changed--I do not like that! Still, the better Stargate Wiki needs the addition of more information, and not just nicer images like mine. --Xamikaze330

When uploading images...

... make sure to add a {{delete}} tag on the old files. We wouldn't want old and unused files flocking the server and slowing the wiki's performance. :) — subtank 15:16, 26 August 2011 (EDT)