So... the Precursors essentially developed biological technology? Like many things in Halo: Cryptum... "All of this has happened before".-- Forerunner 20:28, 14 February 2011 (EST)

It reminds me a bit of philotic webs from Ender's Game, except somewhat in reverse. Tuckerscreator(stalk) 22:31, 14 February 2011 (EST)

Not so much biological technology, just "sentient" technology that was nonliving but somehow built on physical principles that made it intelligent. At least that's the personal impression I got while reading anyway 10:35, 15 February 2011 (EST)

The Bio-neural gell packs on the USS Voyager.-- Forerunner 12:20, 15 February 2011 (EST)
I think you're all a bit off. I'm pretty sure it's talking about a form of matter linked to biological consciousness but not in the physical realm. There's a theory about it, I can't remember the name.--File:PENGUIN4.gifFluffyEmoPenguin(ice quack!) 13:13, 12 August 2011 (EDT)

Quantum Mysticism & A Neural Universe

I think it's most likely related to something in Quantum Mechanics called the "double slit experiment". In the double slit experiment a particle is a waveform until measured and the wave function is collapsed by an observer. The very act of measurement effects the actual measurement itself. Anyways, there are hundreds of theories on this and not many of them have much evidence to back them up. Only Bohr-Heisenberg have any evidence about the results of the experiment and their results conclude that we simply cannot measure something without effecting the measurement itself, a fact of physics (The Copenhagen Interpretation).

But there are some nut job physicists out there that claim the reasoning for the wave function collapse is due to the particles (electrons) having a consciousness to themselves, even though we consider things like that in-animate and non-living not conscious, or sentient. In a nut shell, neural physics imply the entire physical universe is in fact one big consciousness that is capable of experiencing itself subjectively.

See references in order. 1. 2. 3. Crippknottick 21:48, 19 August 2011 (EDT)