
Bungie ViDoc: O Brave New World

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The Bungie ViDoc: O Brave New World is the last Halo-related ViDoc made by Bungie. It was released on YouTube on August 3, 2011.[1] It runs for 55:08, and summarizes Bungie's history, as well as Halo's creation.


The Bungie logo is presented.

Luke Timmins: "In many ways, it's one of the best things that ever happened to Bungie, right?"

"What I really like about this whole Bungie relationship with Activision is that I never saw it coming."

"The idea that Bungie would make Halo for a million years was inconceivable."

Eric Osborne: "In a lot of ways, we're starting over."

"I can't wait to see where Bungie is going to take us next. I know it's going to be ambitious, I know it's going to be exciting. I just want find some details on it."

Luke Timmins: Being an underdog, and having something to prove and remembering we're not the top dog any more is a great thing to happen to us.

"We're out on our own in the wilderness again and we have to fight to bring every customer along with us."

Joseph Staten: "We've gone from a totally as sure as a thing can get with Halo, to tackling a challenge which is even bigger than Halo with no real guarantee of success."

Martin O'Donnell: "There has to be some scare dangling over the edge of the cliff and hope that the world we are weaving will hold us."

"I love being the underdog!"

Jason Jones: "It does bring back the early days. We have this great idea and we don't really understand it. Its going to be fun to figure it out."

A group of pixels form together in a similar way to either Pong or Gnop which later transfigure into a timeline which moves between 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1995, 1997/1998, 2001, 2001, 2004, 2007, 2009 and 2010 simultaneously which showing brief snippets of games Bungie developed in those specific years.

Bungie 20th Anniversary

O Brave New World

Alexander Seropian: "My senior in college was taking an artifical intelligence class, and Jason was in that class. He had a way cooler computer than I did, which really pissed me off. You know, so we just got to talking and tried partnering up."

Martin O'Donnell: It wwas clear, right from the get-go that Alex was the business guy, Jason was the creative guy."

Jason Jones: "I was working on a game and Alex was trying to start a company."

Alex Seropean: "So here we are in down town Chicago. This is the classiest part of town. The original Bungie was not here. For that, we've got to go south.

