
Template:Vehicle Infobox

The Gremlin is a combat support vehicle used by the UNSC Marine Corps during the early years of the Human-Covenant War. It is armed with a roof-mounted X23 NNEMP Cannon.[1]


The Gremlin is a special-purpose vehicle with the ability to temporarily disable vehicles with its electromagnetic pulse weapon. The Gremlin is also effective at disabling enemy bases and structures. However, it is vulnerable against infantry, as its EMP ability has no effect against them.

Like the SP42 Cobra, the Gremlin features a six-tire drive system, with two at the front and the other four toward the rear. The driver sits in the front of the vehicle; instead of having a window to see through, the Gremlin features a one-way screen similar to the MJOLNIR armor's faceplate. The weaponry is mounted on top of the vehicle, allowing it to target and fire more easily.

In-game information

In the campaign, the Gremlin is used to weaken the tractor beams in the level Shield World. In skirmish and multiplayer, the Gremlin serves as Professor Ellen Anders' unique unit and is produced at the Firebase. Although the Gremlin's weapon initially has no effect against infantry units, it can become fairly dangerous against infantry when the Focus Lens upgrade is researched. Strangely, the Gremlin's EMP weapon is reasonably effective against Flood units and structures.

Cost and upgrades

The Gremlin as shown in Halo Wars.

Resources: 200

Minimum Tech Level: 1

Population Count: 2


  • Focusing Lens: Enhances laser attack's range and damage. 200 resources and tech level of two.
  • Chain Amplifier: EMP special ability can now hit up to three targets. 450 resources and tech level of three.


    • The Gremlin and the Cyclops are the only known UNSC vehicles named after mythological creatures instead of UNSC's tradition of naming atmospheric vehicles after real animals, and the Longsword, Shortsword, and Sabre, which are named after bladed weapons.
  • The "Gremlin" moniker is a reference to the folkloric creature of the same name, which aviators sometimes jokingly claim cause mechanical problems in aircraft, which is ironic, as in gameplay the Gremlin cannot attack aircraft.
  • The Gremlin is similar in appearance to the cut "Cougar" unit, and was likely inspired by it.

List of appearances


Template:UNSC vehicles