Stasis capsule

Revision as of 22:45, February 20, 2011 by Vegerot (talk | contribs)

A stasis capsule is a piece of Precursor technology. Capsules are designed to hold subjects in a state of stasis. Like all Precursor technology, it functioned on the premise of neural physics. One capsule was discovered on Charum Hakkor, which contained a single subject, the last known Precursor. The capsule was destroyed when the Forerunners tested a Halo installation at Charum Hakkor, but the Prisoner, a Precursor survived and escaped.


  • These pods could be similar to the pods that help the SPARTAN-IIIs on Onyx.
  • An alien species known as Humans developed a device to interact with the Precursor encapsulated in the Slipstream Space capsule..
