

Revision as of 18:32, February 10, 2011 by Jabberwockxeno (talk | contribs) (Replaced with the version I have worked on for 3 months now.)


For the medal see Assassin Medal
A Red player about to stab a Blue player in the head.

The Assassination is a new gameplay feature in Halo: Reach that allows player to enter a third-person view while elaborately taking an enemy player down with either a Combat Knife, Energy Dagger(s), or Energy Sword. Note that assassinations are different from beat downs and pummels. Pummels are kills from a normal melee attack; a beat down occurs when Player A melees Player B by simply tapping the melee button while behind them, resulting in the breaking of the target's spine and thus an instant kill. An assassination occurs when Player A presses and holds the melee button when directly behind Player B, resulting in an elaborate kill and will earn the player a special medal. Assassinations performed in multiplayer matchmaking also count towards the Rear Admiral commendation.


There are four different basic assassination types that are played according to the species of the players and the current situation: If both players are on the ground, if the assassin is in the air and the victim is on the ground, in both players are in the air, and if the assassin and the victim are both on the ground, but the assassin is higher in elevation than the victim. [1]

The specific assassination animation that is used when both players are on the ground is dependent of where the initial melee lands on the victim's body.

There are also unique assassinations that can be performed when the player is holding an energy sword.

A player assassinating the other with an Energy Sword


Spartan against Spartan

When playing as a Spartan in Halo: Reach matchmaking, you can perform several different assassinations using your combat knife that is located on different parts of your armor, depending on what chest piece you are wearing.

Both players are on the ground

This assassination involves Player A standing on the same surface as Player B. The specific animation that is used varies depending on which part of the back is meleed.

  • The initial melee hits the right shoulder of player B: Player B is spun around to face player A. Holding the knife with the blade pointed up in his/her clenched fist, player A "punches" player B in the chest, stabbing him or her.
  • The initial melee hits the right side of player B's back: Player B turns to face player A, who raises his/her combat kife and plunges it down on player B's head.
  • The initial melee hits the center of player B's back: Holding the knife with the blade pointed down in his/her fist, player A forcefully stabs player B in the back, and player B is dragged to the side when the knife is removed.
  • The initial melee hits the left side of player B's back: Player A spins the knife, stab's player B in the backs, then tosses the body off to the side.
  • (Energy Sword) Player A hit's B with an upward diagonal slash, spinning them around. He then stabs them in the gut.
Player A is more elevated than player B, but both are on a surface

Player A extends their arm around player B's neck, bending their stomach outward, then stabbing him/her in the gut.

Both players are airborne

This assassination involves Player A jumping (or possibly falling) right behind (Close enough proximity to melee) Player B. Player A will initiate the assassination, which involves player A warping his/her hands together, and delivers a smash on player B's head.

Note that if the assassin is wielding an energy sword, the animation will be bugged.

The assassin is airborne, but the victim is not

Player B is knocked to the ground, face down. Player A steps on his/her back, crouches down, and snaps their neck.

Spartan against Elite

Both players are on the ground

This assassination involves Player A standing on the same surface as Player B. The specific animation that is used varies depending on which part of the back is meleed.

  • The initial melee hits the right shoulder of player B: The Spartan pounces on the Elite's chest, pushing them both to the ground. While the Elite struggles, the Spartan stabs the Elite in the eye.
  • The initial melee hits the right side of player B's back: The Spartan hops on the elite's back,then the Spartan stabs the elite in the neck.
  • The initial melee hits the center of player B's back: The Spartan slices the elite's legs, then stanbs him in the back on the head, and pulls the elite to the ground.
  • The initial melee hits the left side of player B's back: The same as if the melee hit the right side of the back, but the Spartan snaps the elite's neck instead of stabbing him.
  • (Energy Sword) The Spartan jumps and stands on the elite's back, and stabs the elite with the prongs of the sword in the neck. .
Player A is more elevated than player B, but both are on a surface

The Spartan hops and hang's off of the elite's back, and stabs them straight down the top of the skull.

Both players are airborne

The Spartan goes to the elite's back, and quickly stabs him in the neck.

The assassin is airborne, but the victim is not

The elite is pushed to the ground. The Spartan jumps and lands on the elite's head, then hops off.

Elite against Spartan

Both players are on the ground

This assassination involves Player A standing on the same surface as Player B. The specific animation that is used varies depending on which part of the back is meleed.

  • The initial melee hits the right shoulder of player B: The elite slashes the Spartan across the chest with his energy dagger, then hits the spartan with a turning side kick.
  • The initial melee hits the right side of player B's back: The Spartan is pushed to the ground, face down. The elite stabs the Spartan in the lower back, and the Spartan is dragged as the blade is pulled out.
  • The initial melee hits the center of player B's back: The Elite rapidly stabs the Spartan in the lower back with his energy daggers, then does a diagonal slash to the back of the Spartan's knees.
  • The initial melee hits the left side of player B's back: The elite activates the energy dagger, and proceeds to stab the Spartan directly down on their head.
  • (Energy Sword) The Elite grabs the Spartan by the hand, drags them upwards, then stabs them down through the chest.
Player A is more elevated than player B, but both are on a surface

The elite activates the dagger on their right hand, impales the right side of the back of the Spartan's neck, then does the same with his left dagger to the left side.

Both players are airborne

The elite knee's the Spartan in the back, impales him/her with the energy dagger, then flicks them behind and over his head.

The assassin is airborne, but the victim is not

The Spartan is pushed to the ground. The elite steps on the Spartan's back, then stab's them in the back of the head.

Elite against Elite

Both players are on the ground

This assassination involves Player A standing on the same surface as Player B. The specific animation that is used varies depending on which part of the back is meleed.

  • The initial melee hits the right shoulder of player B: Player 1 flick's their wrist, springing the energy dagger out, and stab's the victim in the lower back. As the blade is pulled out, the victim is dragged backward.
  • The initial melee hits the right side of player B's back: The assassin stabs the victim in the back of the head, with the dagger protruding out of the victims open mouth. The assassin pulls the victim backwards, then throws them forward, de-activating the energy dagger.
  • The initial melee hits the center of player B's back: The assassin reaches across the victims chest, bending him so their unarmored stomach protrudes. The assassin then stabs the victim there with his energy dagger, and pushes the body to the ground.
  • (Energy Sword) The assassin grabs the victims' left hand, and pulls it, causing him to trip and fall. The assassin then swipes the sword in an underhand motion, causing the victims' body to flip over.
Player A is more elevated than player B, but both are on a surface

The assassin grabs the victim by the top of their "jaw", activates his energy dagger, and stabs the victim in the neck. The assassin then drops the body.

Both players are airborne

The assassin quickly jabs the victim in the lower back with his energy dagger.

The assassin is airborne, but the victim is not

The victim recoils forward from the initial melee. The assassin activates one of their energy daggers, stabs the victim in the lower back, quickly activates the second dagger, and plunges it into the back of the victim's neck with an overhand motion. With both prongs still inside the victim, the assassin throws the body of the victim behind him.

Assassinations in Campaign

There are a few assassinations you can perform on Covenant warriors in Campaign:


  • The player grabs the Grunt and breaks its neck.
  • The player grabs the Grunt and stabs its head.


  • The player pushes the Brute down, and then stabs it in the back.


  • The player drags the Jackal/Skirmisher by its feathers and knifes its chest/neck area.

Beat Downs vs. Assassinations

With normal beat downs, one will quickly melee the opponent's back, resulting in an instant kill, but will stay in first person view. This earns them a medal but no credit or commendation increase. With an assassination, the player goes into third person view and performs a special finishing move. During an assassination, the player runs a risk of getting their kill stolen by a teammate, which results in the teammate getting a Yoink medal. The player is also able to be damaged and even killed during the animation, which will cause the victim to be saved and the savior will get a Showstopper medal. This makes assassinations relatively unpopular for fast paced gametypes such as Oddball or Team SWAT. Also, performing assassinations will negate fall damage, unlike beat downs. This allows players to survive fatal falls if an enemy happens to be directly below. This is featured in the achievment, If They Came to Hear Me Beg.


  • If the assassin is holding the energy sword during some of the airborne assassinations, it will be held during the animation. This also produces a glitch when done with the spartan on spartan one.
  • There were assassinations animations present in the muliplayer beta that are not present in the final game.
  • An assassination will not animate if preformed on the left shoulder, but it will on the right.


<youtube width="425" height="300">xK33k_AF6QE</youtube>
