Noble Actual
- "Only the parts that weren't covered in the black ink." - After Emile asks her if she's read Noble Six's file.
Winter Contingency
- "Just get me under the hood, Commander." - To Carter-A259 before arriving at the Visegrad Relay
- "Commander, we just lost our signal to HQ." - While enroute to Visegrad.
- "Searching...nada. Can't say what's jamming us." - when asked to check for any backup channels.
- "Aim for the distress beacon."
- "Negative, but it's military." - When asked if the beacon contains any ID.
- "Why are we not seeing explosives residue?" - While inspecting the area with Noble Team.
- "Smoke at the next structure, boss." - Kat noticing a building hiding a group of civilians.
- "Noble Three, requesting air-lift." - After Carter orders her to head directly ahead to the relay outpost.
- "We're at the relay outpost. Door's locked. Mechanism's been flash-fused."
- "I dialed up my torch, cut a way through. Going to take some time."
- "Taking a little longer than I hoped, Commander. I've cut about halfway through the door."
- "Just about...there! We're in!"
- "Control room. Go easy."
- "Damn. Plasma damage!" - After inspecting the relay's control panel.
- "I'll take that, Six. Not your domain." - To Noble Six after finding a data crystal.
- "Question of my life. If the question is when will this station be back online, two weeks, earliest. This is plasma damage. All major uplink components are fried." - Responding to Carter's question about the job.
- "Which is why I'm splicing into the main overland bundle to get you a direct line to Colonel Holland. - After Carter informs her that they're in a hurry.
- "You're in my light, Commander."
- "Signal. It's patchy, but it's there." - To Carter after establishing a signal.
- "Best not touch anything. You wouldn't want to ground this place."
ONI: Sword Base
- "Roger that, we're your strike team." - After Carter tells her to push the attacking forces.
- "Let's knock some heads, Lieutenant!"
- "Noble Two to Sword Control: courtyard is clear, over."
- "Sword Control, I see a Target Locator. Any artillery support in the area?"
- "Outstanding!" - After Noble Six destroys two attacking Wraiths.
- "Pelican inbound with transport, Six."
- "I agree, go for the gun." - If Noble Six heads west.
- "Good call. Let's get comms first." - If Noble Six heads further east.
- "I'm picking up a power source, we're close to the AA gun."
- "That's the gun over there. Should be a reset control somewhere, get it online."
- "That did it, Six. AA gun is online."
- "All right, take that 'hog Six."
- "We need to get that comms array online."
- "Hope that comms array has a working generator."
- "Let's search the area for a generator switch."
- "Okay, generator is up and running. Find that comms array, should be up high." - After activating the generator.
- "On our way, Commander. Six, let's go." - After Carter orders them to return.
- "Noble, be advised: Covenant Corvette moving into position. Kat, Six, get here quick. We need you inside."
- "Opening the gate now!!"
- "Let's get to the atrium, we have to go through the elevator, Lieutenant. Take it." - To Noble Six after Jun tells her that they are stalled inside.
- "Where's our orbital support? Got to be four platforms that could take it out with a single MAC round."
- "I doubt that very much." - After an automated greeting tells her an ONI representative will be with them shortly.
- "Like warning the planet." - After Carter tells Dr. Halsey that they had more important matters to attend to.
- "Then we're closing in. Report any Covenant structures or devices. Direct action may be necessary." - After Jun informs her that Recon Team Bravo has arrived and the Covenant are getting closer.
- "Recon Bravo, the sector ahead is dark to electronic surveillance." - To Jun during the operation.
- "So it would seem, and Command wants to know what they're hiding." - When Jun asks if the Covenant can block their instruments.
- "Standing by to copy, over." - When Jun prepares to give her the contact report.
- "Negative, too small, you're not in the dark zone yet. Engage at your own discretion, but keep moving." - When Jun asks her if they've reached the correct settlement.
- "Affirmative, Recon Bravo. It's an indigenous creature, called Gúta." After Recon Team Bravo defeats a pair of Gútas.
- "Move to assist. They may have intel we need." - After Jun tells her he sees local militia.
- "That's the source of our dark zone." - After Jun tells her he's found a Covenant Stealth pylon.
- "Negative, stick a remote det charge on it. Command's planning something big, they say that pylon dies at dawn." - When Jun asks to destroy it.
- "Somewhere inconspicuous, I hope." - After Jun tells her the charge is placed.
- "Alright. Keep pushing into the dark zone. Command wants to know what the Covenant are hiding."- After Jun tells her that it's hidden.
- "Copy. Uploading security codes to you now." - After Jun reports a locked gate.
- "Solid copy. Don't stop now." - After Jun reports spotting a Covenant corvette.
- "Confirmed. Receiving Noble Three and Noble Six's live visual of a Covenant strike force." - After Kat receives the visual of the Covenant army.
- "Agreed. All recon teams disengage and fall back. Sun will be up in a few hours...and its going to be a very busy day." - After Jun tells her that it needs to be quickly eliminated.
Tip of the Spear
- "Copy that. Acquiring signal lock on the pylon. Detonating in three, two..." - After Jun tells her the charge link is receiving.
- "Might want to hold onto something!" - to Noble Six as they prepare to jump the bridge gap.
- "Six! Can you hear me? Six, you alright? I could use some help!" - After Noble Six comes to from the crash.
- "Pylons are down, we're pushing up the hill." - Responding to Carter on her status.
- "Copy, Commander. New target, Six. Shut down those AA guns. Commandeer that Warthog, get us there in one piece." - After Carter tells of 2 anti-aircraft guns.
- "A Zealot? We're onto something big here, Commander." - After Auntie Dot informs her of an escaping Elite Zealot.
- "High value target has been neutralized. Impressive, Six." - If Noble Six kills the Zealot.
- "Jorge has a Falcon inbound to your position. Lieutenant, highlighting the LZ now."
- "Commander, I'm going to set up a forward observation post here."
Long Night of Solace
- "That thing's crushing us, and we're waiting for backup? They'll be backing up a graveyard." - To Carter regarding the Covenant Supercarrier.
- "How converted?" - When Carter tells her he won't listen.
- "You can say no."
- "You don't even want to hear it?"
- "Remember that accident a couple years back? Colony ship en route to Cygnus. Seven hundred dead?"
- "Actually, it worked fine. The drive was mounted improperly after a service haul-out. When it fired it teleported half the ship to oblivion." - After Carter recalls it involved a slipspace drive malfunction.
- "A certain Covenant Supercarrier could, with some assistance, suffer the same unfortunate accident..." - When Carter asks her how the event is relevant.
- "Inspired?"
- "May I?" - To Emile, if she could borrow his kukri.
- "Objective? Destroy Covenant Carrier in geosynchronous orbit above us."
- "Method? A slipspace drive in lieu of the nukes we don't have. Delivery system? Us. Solvable? Getting us up there. That, and getting our hands on a slip-space drive."
- "Thank you for sharing." - After handing Emile his kukri back.
- "As a soldier in the field I couldn't possibly have access to those kinds of resources- that said, a good place to look might be... I don't know, the nearest nonexistent launch site in the nonexistent Sabre Program, dismissed by three administrations as preposterous rumor... And in which our newest member was certainly never a pilot."
- "All we need is a green light from Holland."
- "You're the one asking him." - After Carter tells her that's unlikely.
- "Copy that, Commander." - After Carter informs them they're expecting engagement.
- "Launch facility, dead ahead."
- "Well, some plans are too good to say no." - After Jorge-052 tells her he can't believe her plan was approved.
- " copy? Repeat, this is Noble Two. Noble Six, Noble Five, do you copy?" - After Noble Six finishes the evacuation.
- "We picked up your transponder about an hour ago, but we could not risk open comms. Covenant have this city sealed tight. We're getting nothing from Jorge."
- "Understood... What's the situation at starport exit?" - After Noble Six tells that Jorge couldn't make it.
- "Alright. We're bringing you to us." - After Six informs her that the last transport is away.
New Alexandria
- "Get your wings back on, Lieutenant. You’re flying this Falcon."
- "Covenant have deployed comm jammers at the high-rises across the city. When I find them, you hit them. Hard."
- "Stand by, Six... One of our Trooper squads went silent after the hospital got hit. I'll mark the location. Complete their mission, and take out that jammer."
- "Noble Two to Noble Six: I'm showing the hospital jammer offline - nice work. Soon as you can, I need you back in your Falcon."
- "Noble Two to Noble Six: you've got incoming tangos!"
- "Go ahead, 27."
- Template:Expand-Section
- "I hear what I hear. Point is, why put Spartans on defensive deployments?" - After Carter rebukes her for accessing classified data.
- "Chasing it, but this comm has more shrapnel than transceivers..." - After Carter tells her he needs the communicator back online.
- "You didn’t answer my question."
- "I know we're losing! I just want to know if we've lost."
- "Colonel Holland. Hailing us! What's he doing on an open channel?"
- "I can’t guarantee secure anymore." - When Carter asks her if the link is secure.
- "I could." - When Carter asks if the Covenant could trace it to them.
- "Keep it brief." - To Carter, as she hands him the communicator.
- "Radiation flare! Big! Forty million roentgens!" - Kat picking up an airborne plasma blast.
- "Atomic excitement scrambled the signal. Ninety million now!”
- "Airborne. Close!" - When asking for the source.
- "That close!" - When an explosion interrupts Carter's question about how close the blast is.
- "First glassing? Me too." - To Noble Six while in the elevator.
- "Don’t worry, I’m on it. Our best option is a fallout bunker in Sublevel 2. Ninety-six metres northeast."
- "We get orders from Holland, sir?"
- "If it hasn’t already." - When Carter states they're returning to Sword Base to keep Halsey's data from falling into Covenant hands.
- "When does he get off calling a demolition op Priority One-" - Last line, cut off mid-sentence by a Sangheili Zealot with a Needle Rifle.
Gameplay Quotes
- "This one seems to like me. Someone kill it." - When fighting an enemy.
- "*Giggles*...Sorry, I didn't mean to...and I'll never let that happen again! Sorry." - After she kills an enemy.
- "I'm under fire!" - Annoyed, when being attacked by enemies.
- "I knew it as soon as I saw you!" - When the player betrays multiple friendlies.
- "So this explains all of the black ink." -When the player betrays multiple friendlies.
- "I'll bury you here myself!" -When the player betrays multiple friendlies.
Firefight Voice
- "Under heavy fire!"