Forge objects in Halo: Reach/Structure

< Forge objects in Halo: Reach
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This article contains details objects in the Structure category placeable in Forge mode in Halo Reach. For objects in other categories, please see one of the pages listed below.

The format of this page differs from the other pages listing Forge objects due to the Structure category only applying to a small number of maps, and including a very large number of parts.

Objects in the same section share a common part limit. Placing one reduces the number remaining for all the others in the same grouping.

Building Blocks

Object Forge World Tempest
Cost Max Cost Max
Block, 1x1
A 1 "unit" square block. A unit being the same distance the "Edit coordinates" menu uses when manually tweaking an objects location. Slightly taller than a Spartan, the player can just barely see over one when jumping.
$10 100
Block, 1x1, Flat
Very similar to a "Block, 1x1" however only 20% as thick.
Block, 1x1, Short
Half as thick as a "Block, 1x1."
Block, 1x1, Tall
2.5 times as tall as a "Block, 1x1."
Block, 1x1, Tall and Thin
In terms of the unit of measurement used by the other blocks, this part is 1.0 x 0.5 x 3.0.
Block, 1x2
Block, 1x4
Block, 2x1, Flat
Block, 2x2
Block, 2x2 Flat
Block, 2x2, Short
Block, 2x2, Tall
Block, 2x3
Block, 2x4
Block, 3x1, Flat
Block, 3x3
Block, 3x3, Flat
Block, 3x3, Short
Block, 3x3, Tall
Block, 3x4
Block, 4x4
Block, 4x4, Flat
Block, 4x4, Short
Block, 4x4, Tall
Block, 5x1, Short
Despite the "Short" in its name this object is as thick as the other blocks labeled "flat."
Block, 5x5, Flat