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"I'm not gonna lie to you, Lieutenant. You're stepping into some shoes the rest of the squad would rather leave unfilled."
Commander Carter-A259 to SPARTAN-B312, about Thom's death.

Thom-293 was a SPARTAN-III commando who served as a member of the UNSC Navy during the Human-Covenant War. He was a member of Noble Team until his death in spring 2552.[1]



During a battle on an unknown colony world on April 22, 2552, Thom participated in an operation put together by LCDR Catherine-B320[1] to destroy a CCS-class Battlecruiser maintaining position above a city. However, the Lieutenant Commander, who carried the tactical nuclear weapon intended to destroy the Covenant ship, was incapacitated while on her way to the objective by an enemy Banshee.

Thom was the first to arrive to where Kat was wounded, and immediately picked up the nuke and used his jetpack to fly into the battlecruiser without waiting for his teammates. Once inside, he threw the nuke into a staging area and attempted to escape the ship before it went off, without success. The nuke detonated before Thom could safely make it out, destroying the ship but killing Thom in the process.[2][3]


Both Commander Carter-A259 and Lieutenant Commander Catherine-B320 took responsibility for Thom's death, unable to admit that his death was his own fault. The team's commanding officer, Colonel Urban Holland, asserted that Thom died because he chose to attack Covenant forces without waiting for backup.[1] Thom was replaced on Noble Team by SPARTAN-B312 a few months later, just prior to the Fall of Reach.


  • His name and service tag may be a reference to Tom-B292, another SPARTAN-III.
  • In the Deliver Hope trailer, Thom is seen wearing a gray Mark V MJOLNIR armor with jetpack and a Mark V[B] helmet with an Up-Armor attachment, and FJ/PARA knee guards. This is the exact look of S-312 before Bungie decided to make S-312 fully default to remove any sense of appearance that he/she had. It is likely that Bungie gave this image to Thom to help remove the image from S-312.
  • Thom was originally intended to play a larger role in Halo: Reach as a member of Noble Team, and was described to be "cowboy-like", but, like Rosenda-344, was ultimately cut from the game and only mentioned in the Noble Team performance reports as a now-deceased fomer member.[4]
  • The manner of Thom's death, ensuring the detonation of a bomb within a Covenant ship, is remarkably similar to the deaths of Samuel-034 and Jorge-052. However, in Samuel and Jorge's cases, they chose to stay behind due to Samuel having to stay in the Covenant ship due to an armor breach and Jorge having to manually fire a Slipspace drive, while Thom simply failed to get out of the battlecruiser in time.
  • An early concept image of Thom's face bears a remarkable resemblace to Jason Jones, one of the co-founders of Bungie.
  • "Thom" is one of the name options for customized Loadouts in Halo: Reach, along with the members of Noble Team and several SPARTAN-II's.[5]
  • "THOM" is a possible service tag of a marine or ODST that is part of your squad during the Reach campaign.
  • He appears in the Deliver Hope.


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c Bungie.net: Kat-B320 Personnel Profile
  2. ^ Halo: Reach, Deliver Hope trailer
  3. ^ Bungie.net: Bungie Weekly Update 08/27/10
  4. ^ Youtube: PAX 2010: *Bungie Panel* (Marcus Lehto: "And yes, originally, there were seven SPARTANs. A little trivia for you guys; Rosenda and Thom were two Spartans that didn't make the cut...")
  5. ^ Halo: Reach, Firefight