Template:Ratings Bungie keeps the tradition of making and posting April Fool's Jokes every year since 2004, usually Halo-related.
- Bungie announces Bungie.net Pro (not to be confused with the real-life Bungie Pro). "For $7/month, suscribers will get access to boatloads of webcams, an online version of the Halo Story Bible, developer diaries, daily Halo 2 screenshots, and more!"
- Bungie announces their latest project, Pimps at Sea.
- Bungie posted a news item about the new lengths to which the product placement model is being taken in Halo 2; Keds, Arby's and Starbucks are all among the companies that will be showcased in-game.
- Bungie announces the Mountain Dew emblem for Halo 2.
- Bungie tells a website that a Nintendo DS port of Halo 2 would be announced at E3 2006.
- Bungie posted an apology for an industry leak of the upcoming Pimps at Sea movie.
- The Players Online world map in Halo 3's Matchmaking Lobby shows an image of Mister Chief across Europe, Africa and Asia.
- Bungie posted new positions on their Jobs page - Port/Emulation Specialist, 3D UI Designer, and Animator/Dance Choreographer.
- Bungie announces the creation of the "Bungie Ultimate Ninja Gaming League Extreme", or "B.U.N.G.L.E", a Halo 3 professional gaming league that will overtake MLG.
- Bungie states that the famous Halo fansite, halo.bungie.org, is shutting down.
- Bungie releases a new ViDoc, "Zugzwang Evolved", explaining how Multiplayer will be replaced with Chess.
- One day before April Fool's Day, Bungie posts on Twitter about a Halo announcement the next day and include a picture of a Spartan. The next day, it proves to be a "new" Bollywood movie about Halo.
- Bungie tells a website that Halo: Reach will be released for PS3, and in fact have split their Reach project since the beginning, one team for the 360 and one for the PS3. The PS3 version would be $10 cheaper, and would come out a week earlier than the Xbox 360 version.
<gallery widths="120"> Image:Pimps.jpg|Bungie's April Fools joke of 2003: Pimps at Sea. Image:Mountain Dew emblem.png|Bungie's April Fools joke of 2005: Mountain Dew emblem. Image:Mister_Chief_2008.png|Bungie's April Fools joke of 2008: Mister Chief over the world. Image:B.U.N.G.L.E.jpg|Bungie's April Fools joke of 2009: The B.U.N.G.L.E league.