The Finnegan's Wake was a freighter that was used by Insurrectionists[1].
The ship and some of the cargo crates in its hangar were rigged with explosives. When a team of ODST's and Lieutenant Keyes arrived on the ship via Pelican to make sure that the ship's navigation data had been deleted, the Insurrectionists detonated the crates.
The blast killed and wounded many ODST's and blew a hole in the Pelican, injuring the pilot, Jefferson. Lieutenant Keyes realized that he had to get the surviving ODST's out before the remaining explosives were detonated. However, Keyes realized that the Insurrectionists had initiated the emergency signal to bring the Midsummer Night to the Finnegan's Wake. Keyes also realized that the Insurrectionists were jamming the communications between his group and the Midsummer Night. Keyes ordered that the dead and wounded ODST's be loaded into two separate crates, and that a hole be blown in the side of the ship.
After they made a hole in the side of the ship, Keyes jumped out into space, maneuvering around using his gun until he was far enough away from Finnegan's Wake to contact the Midsummer Night. The remaining ODST's followed Keyes, and once the Insurrectionists realized what was happening, they detonated Finnegan's Wake and the entire ship exploded, killing several ODST's. However, Keyes and many of the ODST's escaped and were rescued by the Midsummer Night.