Template:Human Character Infobox
- "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."
- — Ellen Anders
Professor Ellen Anders is an intelligent civilian researcher (with a recorded IQ of 180)[1] and is fiercely opposed to the Covenant.[2] She focuses more on assisting mankind's survival than gaining a sense of grandeur.[3]
Early career
Professor Ellen Anders was born on the United Nations Space Command colony of Arcadia. She apparently studied under Doctor Catherine Halsey, though their relationship is tense, with neither holding the other in a fond regard.[4] In 2531, some time before the Third Battle of Harvest, she was giving a lecture on Theoretical Xenobiology in Rishard University. She was at a fruit stand when a mysterious man went up to her. He told her that Dr. Halsey recommending her for a consultation. Anders told the man that there's some mistake, saying she's not on speaking terms with "that woman". After her refusal, a car pulled up and the man dragged her in, quickly speeding off. The men, later revealed to be ONI agents brought her to a disclosed location. Anders was furious and demanded to know why she was kidnapped. They showed her some classified images of the Covenant on Harvest and information of intercepted communications, referring to the planet as a "Treasure World". This piqued Anders interest and agreed to help ONI in figuring out what the aliens wanted, saying they "Came to the right person". She was given unrestricted access to ONI's equipment for her to use in her research, which was now classified, as well as herself. She then traveled to Epsilon Indi System aboard the ONI vessel UNSC Last Gleaming, where she reviewed the data on the Covenant. While on board, she determined that while the Covenant were looking for something, but they were also trying to hide something as well. Later, she was moved aboard the UNSC Spirit of Fire.[5]
Third Battle of Harvest
On the Spirit of Fire, She was granted the Observation Deck as her lab, claiming the view of surrounding space "added perspective to her work."[6] Sergeant John Forge being assigned as a bodyguard was not as agreeable to her however, due to his excessive foul language and gruff demeanor.[7]
After getting some unexpected readings on an EM band in Harvest's north pole, Anders requested that a Hornet squadron en route to Rally Point Baker divert to investigate. A large force of Elites were also found, and Forge was dispatched to investigate.[8] In the process, an unknown relic on the surface was detected along with numerous Covenant forces in the vicinity. Anders resolved to head down to investigate, despite protests from Forge.[9][10] Captain Cutter agreed to the mission, but ordered that Anders be extracted should there be any sign of danger. After entering the Relic she found a map of the Galaxy, which "wasn't what I [she] expected".[6] However, in the end, after she, Forge, and their UNSC Marine bodyguards were ambushed, she had to be rescued from the artifact.[11] After examining the artifact, she realized that the map had led the Covenant to Arcadia, and upon her recommendation, the Spirit of Fire set course to the planet with all speed.
Before departing Harvest, Anders sent her father an analysis of Homer's Odyssey that slipped past ONI censors, informing him on what the UNSC had discovered.[12]
Over the course of the Spirit of Fire's travels, Anders softened towards Forge, especially after noticing how much he cared for those around him.[7] During the First Battle of Arcadia, Anders used plasma-firing Rhino tanks to blow through a shield dome, revealing a half-built Scarab, and a complex of ruins, underneath. The UNSC Marine force on the surface destroyed the Scarab, but during an investigation of the site, Anders and Forge were attacked by the Arbiter. When Forge was about to be killed, Anders gave herself up as a hostage to save the Sergeant's life. Forge persuaded Cutter to mount a rescue mission.
Shield World
The Spirit of Fire followed Anders' signal to the Flood-Controlled Shield World. Meanwhile, she was imprisoned on top of the Apex, where the Arbiter used her hand to activate the Forerunner ships. Anders used a teleportation pad to escape to the surface while the Elites were distracted by the majesty of the ships. Shortly after she teleported, a few Flood Infection Forms appeared. They were about to attack, until Forge arrived just in time to save her. When the Pelican Forge was in got shot down, Anders and Forge head off to a nearby LZ where a Pelican arrived to pick her up and bring her to safety.
Anders later devised a plan to use the Spirit of Fire's FTL reactor to cause the artificial sun inside the Shield World to go supernova, to destroy the ships before the Covenant could get their hands on them. Forge and the Red Team faced complications with the Elites and the former stayed behind to manually overload the reactor. After managing to escape the explosion of the sun, the Spirit of Fire made a long journey home. Two weeks later, Cutter forced Anders into cryo-stasis, stating that she got them all out of there alive. As the pod closed, Anders reminded the Captain that not all of them survived before sleeping.[13]
In-Game Information
- "Leader Power": CryoBomb —freezes enemies in place.
- "Unique Unit": Gremlin - uses an EMP to momentarily paralyze enemy vehicles.
- "Super Upgrade": Hawk — a laser beam upgrade to the Hornet.
- "Economy Bonus": Upgrade cost reduced by 50% and time taken to research reduced by 75%
- She can be used during multiple campaign levels. She uses the M6D pistol to attack enemies and can repair friendly vehicles.
- Anders doesn't appear to be bothered by freezer burn as she goes in to Cryo-chamber fully clothed, although this may be due to Ensemble Studios not wanting to implement a possible nude scene.
- Apparently, she seems to hate Doctor Catherine Halsey. In the Halo Wars booklet, Anders has made a personal note under her own description: "Why mention Halsey here? She hated me and I hated her." It also says she was Halsey's student. Anders also doesn't seem to get along with Serina, the Spirit of Fire A.I.
- It has also been mentioned that Anders has always dreamed of being an A.I.[14]
- "Anders" is not her real surname. In her log inside the Halo Timeline, it is stated that her mother wanted her to use 'Anders' as her Career Name. It is also stated that she suspects her mother of arranging her recommendation to the ONI, remarking,"This Cloak-and-Dagger operation has her fingerprints all over it". In Halo Wars: Genesis, her 'kidnapper' also stated that Dr. Halsey recommended her to the ONI too, although this might be false.
- Anders is voiced by Kim Mai Guest, who was known for voicing Mei Ling in the Metal Gear Solid series.
- Despite popular belief, Ellen Anders is not the daughter of Catherine Halsey, this has been stated by Ensemble Studios themselves.[15]
- Anders is the type of person who hates disorder and is clean and organized. By extension, she also has the habit of solving unfinished jigsaw puzzles.[16]
Anders on the bridge of the UNSC Spirit of Fire.
- Anders 0001.jpg
The Front of Ellen Anders' Leader Card.
- Anders 0002.jpg
The back of Ellen Anders' Leader Card.
Anders and Cutter watching the Shield World's sun before its explosion.
- ^ Halo Wars Manual
- ^ Professor versus Prophet. Game Daily. Accessed on 2009-01-23
- ^ Anders is more than just a pretty face. Game Daily. Accessed on 2009-01-23
- ^ http://www.xbox.com/NR/rdonlyres/31804095-7B32-4CE2-A17E 3CB54A3692EF/0/HaloWars_MNL_EN.PDF
- ^ Halo Wars: Genesis
- ^ a b 2008-04-11, TGS08: Halo Wars Gameplay Presentation. Gamereactor TV. Accessed on 2008-13-12
- ^ a b Eventually, Forge grew on her. Game Daily. Accessed on 2009-01-23
- ^ Xbox-Halo Wars. Accessed on 2009-02-02
- ^ Halo Wars, Field Trip To Harvest
- ^ Game Trailers TV - October 3rd, 2008
- ^ Halo Wars (Xbox 360) Gamespy. Accessed on 2009-01-08
- ^ Sending a message across the universe. Game Daily. Accessed on 2009-01-23
- ^ Halo Wars
- ^ [1]
- ^ http://www.halowars.com/forums/3/495186/ShowThread.aspx
- ^ She'll solve your Rubik's Cube. Game Daily. Accessed on 2009-01-23