Silhouette Sword is a glitch that can be done with an Energy Sword. This glitch gives the player no tactical advantages, but is for the pure amusement of the eye.
Halo 2
To perform the glitch, follow these steps.
Halo 3
To perform the glitch, follow these steps.
- Obtain an Energy Sword (must have at least some ammo in it) and a secondary weapon.
- Execute the Cease-fire trick on your secondary weapon.
- Switch back to your Energy Sword.
If performed correctly, on the player’s screen only, the Energy Sword’s basic image will be replaced by a ghostly, active aura. In Halo 3, when attacking any target that does not make the sword’s reticule to turn red (inanimate objects, allies, etc.), the sword will materialize, but the swiping animation of the sword on the player’s screen will be canceled. When the player attacks allies with this trick, they "mysteriously drop dead".